War Thunder: Best Planes in the Game

Looking for the best planes in War Thunder? Similar to the best tanks in the game, the range and variation of planes is unbelievable.

There are a few that stand out from the horde of options, though, and will provide an impressive experience whether you’re a beginner or a pro. Let’s check them out now!

Best Planes in War Thunder

Let’s not waste a single second and instead let’s check out the top planes in War Thunder this year!


XP 50 Planes in War Thunder

The XP-50 is an American fighter plane that can be of utmost use if you like getting the height advantage over your enemies.

The plane has one of the best climbing speeds and acceleration in the game, and you can gain a lot of altitude in a very short time. This will allow the plane to go over the enemies quickly and get your preferred angle.

Furthermore, this high climb rate also will also help you escape vulnerable situations quickly, especially when the enemy is above you. The easily controllable features of the XP-50 makes it even more convenient.

Apart from movement, the offensive attributes deserve recognition as well.

A whopping 120 rounds of the AN/M2 cannon is good enough to destroy enemy planes in a short time and making use of the height gain.

The precision is noteworthy too and you shouldn’t have much trouble aiming properly.

However, the XP-50 would reach a state of invincibility if it had more than the two machine guns and WEP availability in RB/SB.

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Yak 3P Planes in War Thunder

The Yak-3P belongs to the Soviet Union and is well-known for its prowess for every section in a fighter plane. It features a combination of the features of the top fighter jets.

The two 20 mm B-20S cannon and one B-20M cannon does an amazing job to wreak havoc on almost any plane that you come across.

This fighter jet has the capability of around 800 shots/minute and using the cannons in short bursts it he way to go!

It’s more effective in close-range combats rather than shooting from far, since the cannons are capable of eliminating planes with as less as three shots!

The climbing rate and roll speed is decent enough to out-turn almost any other plane in the game, if you can use it right. Moreover, the speed, especially in level flight, is excellent for both AB/RB.

However, just like the XP-50, the Yak-3P comes with no WEP and it can also be pretty vulnerable if traveling in a straight line towards the enemies.


G 56 Planes in War Thunder

The G.56 is a fourth rank Italian fighter plane that makes the list solely due to its excellent versatility.

Thanks to the sophisticated engine system, the G.56 gains amazing speeds and has a decent climbing speed too.

While it can be used in almost any range of altitude, medium altitudes are the most optimal choice.

That’s because it facilitates the window to catch enemies off-guard and take them out in a matter of seconds thanks to the rapid firing rates.

The armaments of this jet is just amazing and edges the previous two planes with the addition of the suspended weaponry.

The MG 151 cannons combine well with the explosives to demolish through each and every enemy standing your way.

The huge set of ammunition that it works with greatly boosts the offensive attributes of this Italian jet even more.

The G.56 does come with a learning curve and its performance is highly dependent on the pilot; so, once you do master it, a serious upgrade in performance is inevitable.

Nevertheless, I do feel like the roll speed could’ve been better given the powerful engine that the plane has.

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F-4C Phantom II

F-4C Phantom II 
Planes in War Thunder

Bringing a whole another level to armaments and flight performance, the F-4C Phantom II easily makes the list of the best planes in War Thunder.

The plane comes with a large and bulky structure but that doesn’t have any effect in its speeds and roll rates.

Compared to other smaller planes, the Phantom II is better in terms of both the top speeds and acceleration.

Furthermore, the roll speed is actually pretty good for bigger aircrafts and can also be employed in efficient power climbing.

The varied options when it comes to armaments is what sets this American plane apart from the others.

It enables you to implement ordnances such as GAU-4 Cannon, 4X AIM-9E Sidewinder missiles, 4X AIM-7D Sparrow missiles, and many more, ultimately taking its attacking potential to a whole new level!

You can combine the ordnances according to your requirements. Along with that, the F-4C Phantom II features the M61 Vulcan as well, which provides an excellent, additional attacking option.

If you’re more into rushing in with your plane and grabbing fast kills, though, the F-4C Phantom II may not be the best choice, even with all the weaponry involved.

That’s mainly because of its large structure, making it easy to target and take down. The key to achieving success with this fighter plane is to move fast but hold, and attack only at the right time.


F 86F 2 Planes in War Thunder

The F-86F-2 comes with the very characteristics that rushers and fast players dream of – something that the F-4C Phantom II failed to provide.

It’s an American Sabre aircraft with out-of-the-world attacking features and outstanding mobility to aid that. The plane is super-fast, with awesome roll speeds and turn speeds in both AB and RB.

The best of its attacking features are the T-160 cannons and Browning machine guns. These are capable of absolutely demolishing the enemy planes when working together with splendid firing rates and crazy damage levels.

The T-160 cannons help in achieving precision while targeting the enemies and stronger firepower while the machine guns have it covered when it comes to ammunition and overheating.

The structural features of the F-86F-2 makes for easier aiming as well and is one of the easier planes to maneuver in War Thunder.

It must be mentioned, though, that a good trigger discipline is required to unlock the maximum potential of this plane and prevent the weaponry from jamming while attacking enemies. So, it’ll take some time to practice and perfect it.

Wrapping Up

This list of the best planes in War Thunder comprises of all playing styles and types of fighter jets.

Regardless of which mode you’re playing and whether you’re a beginner or not, these planes should do a pretty good job.

Investing in the right planes when you start off is obviously important and the ones mentioned above will truly be worth your money! Just make sure you’re going for the ones that will suit your game style!

And if you want some more options, check our list of the Best PC City Building Games to Play.

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