Is Overwatch 2 on PS5 120 FPS or 60 FPS? [Full Answer]

Overwatch 2 is a game that is highly beloved by its players. It has a very strong player base that keeps growing and that is why it got released on PS5 recently.

Stay tuned to find out whether it can with 120 FPS or 60FPS on it.

A game like Overwatch 2 will require your senses to be at their highest and your skills to be regularly sharpened in order to allow you to be victorious more often.

To be able to play as a skilled Overwatch 2 player you will need high performance and a very high FPS so you can catch all the shooting and enemy players on time.

That is why in this guide we will be discussing whether the Overwatch 2 on PS5 can be 120 FPS or just 60 FPS. Let’s get started.

Overwatch 2 – Is it 120 FPS or 60 FPS on PS5

On the PS5, Overwatch 2 supports 120, 60, and 30 frames per second in its various modes, which are referred to as Framerate, Balanced, and Resolution, respectively. 

You will receive varying frames per second (FPS) out of the game depending on the visual settings you choose to play it on.

Framerate Option

In the Overwatch 2 PlayStation 5 edition, the Framerate option allows you to play the game at a frame rate of 120 FPS, albeit at the cost of decreased visual quality. 

You will be able to enjoy Overwatch 2 at its most “buttery-smooth” level of performance if your PS5 is connected to a monitor or personal computer that has a refresh rate of 120 hertz or above.

This is the best option if you want to go for the performance and need to focus on the gameplay and multiplayer aspect of the game.

Let’s say that you are not a streamer or not recording a video this is the option for you. You will be able to spot the movements of the game way easier.

Balanced Option

On the other hand, if you want to play Overwatch 2 on PS5 at 60 frames per second but you don’t want to sacrifice the visual quality of the game. 

For this reason, you may pick the Balanced setting instead of the Framerate Turbo mode. 

This is the most often played version of the game and I recommend sticking with it. If you do not play the game only for the victories but for your visual enjoyment too, this is the option for you.

You will both get the most out of the FPS and the visuals when on this mode.

Resolution Mode

With if the game’s quality is of the highest concern to you, you may play it in Resolution mode, which runs at 30 frames per second but has all of the settings turned up to their maximum and a 4k resolution.

This is just in case you are doing a showcase of a map, or maybe streaming and making a YouTube video.

You will get the most out of the visuals as they will be stunning, but when it comes to peaking around a corner, you will be finding yourself lacking the speed.

I do not recommend this if you are going for the victories and quick moves.


So overall, as you can see, there will be all the options for PS5 that will allow you to play the 120 FPS and the 60 FPS as well.

You will have one of the 3 choices to choose from and each of them will give you a very different type of Overwatch 2.

Choose wisely before starting a game, and check your options so you didn’t choose the Resolution mode by mistake and find yourself losing games.

That’s everything you need to know about the FPS in Overwatch for PS5. I hope that this guide has made it clear how the performance works in it. Have fun!

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