Can You Breed Tropical Fish In Minecraft? [Full Guide]

You might be in Minecraft, building your absolute dream house with everything that you’ve ever imagined. Two floors, a big open roof, stone protection walls and you want to place a pool inside with all sorts of different Tropical Fish.

You might think that the easiest way to do it would be by breeding two Tropical Fish you bring over with your buckets. But… can you breed tropical fish in Minecraft?

This is what we’re talking about today – as well as everything else you need to know about fish in the game.

Can You Breed Tropical Fish in Minecraft?

It’s not possible to breed tropical fish. Minecraft has had a lot of suggestions for this feature to be implemented, but so far nothing has changed. And most likely, tropical fish breeding won’t be a possibility any time soon.

But this doesn’t mean that you can’t have plenty of Tropical Fish in your game and especially your build!

Tropical Fish will usually spawn in the Spring Season of Minecraft in different types of water throughout the world – usually Oceans. Collect them with a bucket and move them wherever you want to.

Once you’ve collected all of them, just give this water area some time and you’ll get them to spawn again. Note that they cannot spawn in your handmade pools out of the ocean biome.

Where Can You Find Tropical Fish?

Minecraft’s tropical fish are commonly found in many different types of water, and these fish reproduce in a variety of species as well. They will spawn usually in the spring season of Minecraft and if you’re fast to remove them, new ones will spawn.

You will have better chances of finding Tropical Fish in the Ocean Biomes and when you go to deep water. You can find them easily when swimming in the ocean because of their very unique and colorful patterns on their bodies.

To enjoy looking at the Ocean Biome while fishing I recommend using these Minecraft Shaders Mods.

How Many Tropical Fish Are There

Tropical fish in Minecraft have 2,700 naturally occurring variations that vary in pattern, color, and size. 

In Java Edition, they can spawn 90% of the time as one of the 22 unique types, which refer to real-life fish species, and then 10% of the time as a randomized combination of varied sizes, patterns, and colors.

Tropical fish in Bedrock Edition can spawn as one of 22 preset fish, which are not identical to the ones in Java Edition, or as a randomized combination.

Can You Get Tropical Fish Through Fishing?

Because fishing is centered on the concept of searching for food, it only rewards you with the food item that the fish generally gives when they die.

So, no. You cannot get Tropical Fish through fishing because if you would, the fish would be a food item.

How To Get More Tropical Fish In One Location

Since you cannot breed them, well the best thing of getting a lot of Tropical Fish in one location would be through a bucket.

You can create a bucket by having 3 sets of Iron Ingot placed in a V shape.

The next step would be to create a lot of buckets, probably around 20, and have them all in your inventory.

Then just swim to the nearest Ocean Biome and go diving. You will want to look for the very colorful Tropical Fish. When near them, press the Right Click and you’ll proceed to place them in your bucket.

When having a Tropical Fish in a bucket, you will go to your desired water pool, aquarium, or hand-made river, and then just right-click in the water.

This way you’ll get more Tropical Fish in One Location and it is much better than breeding (because of the waiting).


If you see some guides on the Internet saying that you can Breed Tropical Fish in Minecraft, they are mostly written by people who read the suggestions sector on Reddit and are wrong.

You cannot Breed Tropical Fish in Minecraft and we are only left to wait for the future updates hoping that this might be changed.

What is your favorite type of Tropical Fish in Minecraft? How did you find it, and how many Tropical Fish do you currently own? Let us know in the comments below! Happy Fishing!

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