How to See Your World Seed in Minecraft Bedrock Edition & Java

Seeds are the primary basis or address to find each and every Minecraft worlds, be it the Bedrock Edition or the Java Edition.

However, obtaining this key information isn’t always a piece of cake. The information isn’t directly visible in the gameplay window, so you’ll need to do a small bit of work before you get access to the seeds of your Minecraft world.

Let’s take a look at how you can see your world seed in Minecraft Bedrock Edition & Minecraft Java Edition.

How to See Your World Seed in Minecraft Bedrock Edition & Java Edition?

The Minecraft editions come with different methods for seeing the seeds.

The Archipelago Challenge Seed Minecraft
The Archipelago Challenge Seed

However, a certain range of seeds work for both editions and implementing seeds of the Bedrock edition on the Java, or vice versa, should give proper outputs of the world, including the terrains.

It’s just that there will be a few differences when it comes to the structural aspects, the caves, and a few other elements in the game.

The range of seeds where the Minecraft Bedrock and Minecraft Java Editions are compatible start from -9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and go up to 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.

Whether you want to show off one of your mods or shaders, these seeds will help you share your unique world with your friends!

So, how do you find your world seed?

How to see your World Seed in Minecraft Java Edition?

There are two simple and straightforward ways to see your world seed in Minecraft Java Edition.

The Command Bar Method

In order to see your world seed in Minecraft Java Edition, all you have to do is open up the command bar. You can do that by pressing “C”, if you’re using the default keybind system.

Minecraft command prompt for seed

Now, on your command bar, type “/seed” and press Enter.

You should be able to see your world seed on the command bar on your screen.

You may write it down in case you want to record it, since there’s no way to copy the seed yet.

If it all seems to slow and laggy, you can check out our article on how you can smoothen your Minecraft gameplay!

The “Select World” method

Another way to see your seed in Minecraft Java is by navigating to the “Select World” option in the game.

You need to first go to the Title screen, which can be done by pressing the escape key on your keyboard. Select “Singleplayer” and you’ll be directed to the “Select World” menu.

If you have multiple options in this screen, correctly click on the world that you want to see the seed of.

Minecraft re-create option

You’ll notice there are various options below, such as “Play Selected World”, “Delete”, “Create New World”, but you’ll need to click on “Re-Create”, and then on “More World Options”.

Minecraft more worlds option

On the resulting window, you’ll be able to see the seed for your World in the “Seed for the World Generator” section.

Minecraft seed world option

Unlike the previous method, you can copy the seed from this section as well and paste it wherever you like.

It’s important to note that none of these methods mentioned above will work in Multiplayer Worlds.

If you want to see the world seed in Multiplayer servers, you’ll need to become the Admin of that server or ask the Admin of those servers for the seeds.

How to see your World Seed in Minecraft Bedrock Edition?

Unlike Minecraft Java Edition, there’s only one key way of finding your world seed in Minecraft Bedrock Edition.

Firstly, to see the seed of a specific world, you’ll need to access the world first.

Minecraft bedrock seed option
Minecraft Bedrock Settings menu

After that, press on the escape key of your keyboard, which will open the “Title” screen. Click on “Settings” and a new screen with various options will open.

Navigate through the options on the left to find and select “Game”. Once you’ve selected game, look through the variety of information and find the section that says “Seed”. It can be found right after “World Type” and before “Simulation Distance”.

You can copy the seed and paste it wherever necessary.

However, the seeds can’t be found in the Minecraft: Bedrock edition if you’re on Realms.

Wrapping Up

The seed of your world is a key bit of information and thankfully, finding the seed of your world in both Minecraft Bedrock edition and Minecraft Java edition isn’t a very complicated process.

You should be able to find your world seed in no time!

If you’re still having some trouble, do mention it in the comments, so I can help you out!

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