Contraband Police: Best Upgrades to Get

Upgrading your post is an essential part of progression in Contraband Police as it allows you to increase your health, hold more prisoners, have larger storage, and more.

There are five upgrades in total, and the best one will depend on what you need the most. I highly recommend upgrading the Prison first, so that you won’t have to make runs to the Labor Camp as often.

In this guide, I will list all post upgrades in Contraband Police and explain which are the best upgrades to get early on.

Keep in mind that all upgrades require money. If you’re low on cash, consider checking out our guides on how to find all hidden stashes and KGP files, which will award you $2,400 and $1,400 respectively.

How to Upgrade Post in Contraband Police

Interact with the computer in the office to upgrade your post in Contraband Police.
Interact with the computer in the office to upgrade your post in Contraband Police.

To upgrade your post in Contraband Police, you’ll need to move to the main office and access the computer there. Select “Post Management” and navigate to the four tabs there.

The first tab involves general stats of your outpost, while the other three all offer different upgrades.

All Post Upgrades in Contraband Police

Upgrade Lodging to increase your max HP in Contraband Police.
Upgrade Lodging to increase your max HP in Contraband Police.

There are five upgrades in Contraband Police. Here’s all of them:

  1. Lodging – Increases maximum health but also increases the maintenance cost of housing.
  2. Warehouse – Increases storage space for weapons, tools, goods, and contraband at the cost of increased maintenance costs.
  3. Prison – Increase Prison capacity to hold more prisoners.
  4. Workers – Hire new workers or upgrade current ones’ weapons and health while increasing their salary.
  5. Vehicles – Buy vehicles with varying stats like maximum speed, durability, capacity, prisoners, and maintenance costs.

As mentioned, each upgrade increases the overall maintenance cost. But which one should you get first?

Best Upgrades to Get in Contraband Police

The best upgrade to get early on is the Prison to make your transfer runs more efficient.
The best upgrade to get early on is the Prison to make your transfer runs more efficient.

Overall, all upgrades are important based on what you’re lacking.

The best upgrade to get first is either Lodging or Prison. Go for Lodging if you end up dying often and need more max HP. This will be helpful for ambushes and will allow you to defeat all enemies easily without having to run.

If you’re not worried about your HP, upgrading the Prison is your best bet. It will allow you to have five prisoners instead of three. This means you won’t have to make transfer runs as often, and whenever you do, they will be more profitable.

As for the remaining upgrades, go for a new car after you’ve upgraded the Prison enough to transfer more prisoners and explore the map without having to worry about ambushes.

If you’re struggling with attacks on your outpost, consider upgrading your workers, while if you have storage issues, upgrade the storage.

Wrapping up

To sum up, the best upgrade to get early on in Contraband Police is either Lodging if you need more HP, or increased Prison space to have more prisoners for transfer on each run.

After that, feel free to upgrade anything you’re lacking as all of the available upgrades are helpful.

Which upgrade did you get first? What’s your next goal? Let us know in the comments below.

Also, if you’re trying to progress in the game, check out our guide on how to get promoted.


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