How Hot is Too Hot for GPU and CPU when Gaming?

Your GPU and CPU will obviously heat up when you’re gaming, especially for games that utilize high graphical elements. That’s normal!

But, do you know when it crosses the level of normal? Do you know how hot is too hot for your GPU and CPU when you’re gaming?

Both the GPU and CPU are made of temperature-sensitive materials; too high of a temperature can completely damage these beyond repair.

To help you from having to go through that pain, I’ll be sharing some key information on the GPU and CPU temperatures along with the protective measure you can take! So, let’s carry on!

How Hot is Too Hot for GPU and CPU when Gaming?

Temperature Scale How Hot is Too Hot for GPU and CPU when Gaming

Anything above 85°C (185°F) is too hot for both the CPU and GPU when gaming.

The threshold level may vary depending on the specifications of the GPU or CPU. However, 85°C is considered as the general benchmark and no computer system should go above this temperature.

When the temperature increases to a level more than the recommended CPU temperature, the CPU will readjust its clock speed and minimize functionality to prevent further increase in temperature.

This will definitely take a hit on your gaming; you’ll notice reduction in FPS and game speed, hindering the gameplay.

This may not have much of a harmful effect if it happens once in a blue moon. However, making your computer go through such stress on a regular basis will eventually cause performance deterioration.

Temperatures nearing 100°C can be harmful enough to even damage the chips in graphics cards and render them useless.

Both the GPU and CPU temperatures will rise when gaming, since their workload increases to keep up with the high graphics of the modern games, such as Genshin Impact (or similar games) and RDR 2.

The smartest move to protect both the CPU and GPU at high temperatures is to turn the game off and let your PC rest for a while until the temperatures go down to their normal levels.

So, how do you know if the PC components are too hot or not?

Normal CPU Temperature while Gaming

The normal CPU temperature while gaming ranges from 70-80°C. When the PC is at rest, the CPU temperature should be around the 45-65°C mark, depending on the background tasks that are taking place.

However, the specification of your CPU is important and you may check out its user manual to find out the exact range of temperature.

Normal GPU Temperature while Gaming

The normal GPU temperature while gaming ranges from 75-85°C. High-end GPUs may be able to withstand up-to 90°C as well! On the other hand, the GPU temperature in normal conditions may be around 50°C.                   

Moreover, if your computer has an efficient cooling system, you may be able to go higher in terms of temperature.

But, I’m not willing to take risks with such sensitive and expensive items, which is why I try to keep the temperatures of both GPU and CPU in their recommended range while gaming.

If you don’t know how to check these temperature in your computer while gaming, you’re probably quite puzzled right now! But don’t worry, I got you covered!

How to Monitor GPU and CPU temperatures while Gaming?

Personally, I prefer MSI Afterburner to monitor temperatures when I’m gaming. But, similar software, like RivaTuner will also get the job done for you. Just make sure you’re using a trusted one!

The MSI Afterburner provides options to display the temperatures and usage of specific components constantly. This can be extremely helpful for keeping track of the heat levels in the system.

Click on the “Settings” icon on the software, which will take you to the Properties menu.

MSI Afterburner settings icon How Hot is Too Hot for GPU and CPU when Gaming

In the Monitoring tab, you can find various measurable features, like GPU temperature, CPU temperature, CPU usage and more.

Select GPU temperature and navigate to the “Show in On-Screen Display” option below. Hit on Apply after you’ve ticked the box.

On-Screen Display Option MSI Afterburner How Hot is Too Hot for GPU and CPU when Gaming

You can follow the same process for the CPU temperature.

After that, whether you’re playing some unique Minecraft mod or games like Cult of the Lamb, you can easily view and keep an eye on the temperature stats of both the CPU and GPU components.

Wrapping Up

It’s extremely important that you know the temperature specifications of all the components in your computer, especially the most sensitive of the lot – the GPU and CPU.

Ensuring these components never exceed the 85°C temperature mark can prevent you from having to go through the frustration and agony of eventually having to replace these in the future!

It’s important that you take care of the computer components and keep temperature in check; that should be enough to boost the performance and longevity of your computer!

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