Valheim: How Long Does the Fermenter Take

The fermenter is a base structure unlocked relatively early in Valheim which, in combination with the cauldron, is used for making mead, potions, and wine.

However, when players start the fermentation process, the game doesn’t mention how long it takes until it’s ready. Instead, they will have to wait and keep checking often until the process is complete.

Also, while you’re exploring the world of Valheim, consider checking out our guide on how to find silver, one of the key mid-game resources.

In this guide, I will answer the question “how long does the fermenter take in Valheim?” and list all available recipes that can be made there.

Fermenter Duration in Valheim

Place the mead base in the fermenter and wait two in-game days in Valheim.
Place the mead base in the fermenter and wait two in-game days in Valheim.

Regardless of the mead base placed inside the fermenter, the fermentation time is always the same: two in-game days or one real-life hour.

Each full in-game cycle in Valheim lasts 30 real-life minutes, and you’ll have to wait for two full cycles until the fermenter is ready.

However, since you can’t see how long you have left until the process is ready, it’s important to set a timer or keep an eye out for the time of day when you start the fermentation.

Since it takes a fairly long time, I highly recommend placing more than one fermenter in your base. This way, you can make multiple meads at the same time.

To make things easier, I also recommend installing mods to the game. Some mods can make the fermentation time visible, simply by hovering over the fermenter.

Now that you know long each recipe takes, let’s examine what you can make in the fermenter.

All Fermenter Recipes in Valheim

Use the cauldron to craft all mead bases in Valheim.
Use the cauldron to craft all mead bases in Valheim.
  • Barley wine base: Fire Resistance – 10x Barley, 10x Cloudberries – 6x Fire resistance barley wine (fire resistance for 600 seconds)
  • Mead base: Frost resistance – 10x Honey, 5x Thistle, 2x Bloodbag, 1x Greydwarf eye – 6x Frost resistance mead (frost resistance for 600 seconds)
  • Mead base: Minor healing – 10x Honey, 5x Blueberries, 10x Raspberries, 1x Dandelion – 6x Minor healing mead (restores 50 health over 10 seconds)
  • Mead base: Medium healing – 10x Honey, 4x Bloodbag, 10x Raspberries, 1x Dandelion – 6x Medium healing mead (restores 75 health over 10 seconds)
  • Mead base: Major healing – 10x Honey, 4x Blood clot, 5x Royal jelly – 6x Major healing mead(restores 125 health over 10 seconds)
  • Mead base: Minor stamina – 10x Honey, 10x Raspberries, 10x Yellow mushroom – 6x Minor stamina mead – (restores 80 stamina over 2 seconds)
  • Mead base: Medium stamina – 10x Honey, 10x Cloudberries, 10x Yellow mushroom – 6x Medium stamina mead (restores 160 stamina over 2 seconds)
  • Mead base: Lingering stamina – 10x Sap, 10x Cloudberries, 10x Jotun Puffs – 6x Lingering stamina mead (+25% stamina regeneration for 300 seconds)
  • Mead base: Minor eitr – 10x Honey, 5x Sap, 2x Jotun puffs, 5x Magecap – 6x Minor eitr mead (Restores 125 Eitr over 10 seconds)
  • Mead base: Poison resistance – 10x Honey, 5x Thistle, 1x Neck tail, 10x Coal – 6x Poison resistance mead (reduces poison damage by 75% for 600 seconds)
  • Mead base: Tasty – 10x Honey, 10x Raspberries, 5x Blueberries – 6x Tasty mead (-50% health regeneration, +100% stamina regeneration)

Based on what you need, there’s a mead for everything. Instant health or stamina, regeneration, resistance to certain elements, and even eitr for the newly added magic system.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know about how long the fermenter takes in Valheim.

It requires two in-game days which equals one real-life hour, regardless of the recipe. In addition, now you know all the recipes you can craft.

Along with the fermenter, players will need to upgrade their cauldron to craft all the necessary meads. Make sure to check out our guide on how to get the mortar and pestle upgrade, which gets the cauldron to level 5.

Which mead are you crafting first? How many cauldrons have you placed in your base to fasten the process? Let us know in the comments below.


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