Torchlight Infinite: How to Play with Your Friends

Are you looking to team up and take down bosses with your friends in Torchlight Infinite? Are you wondering what multiplayer features Torchlight Infinite has to offer?

Well, the big question that needs to be answered first is: can you play Torchlight Infinite with your friends? The answer is No, not yet!

Even though you may not be able to play Torchlight Infinite multiplayer right now, that doesn’t mean it should be a deal-breaker! The devs are working on it, so let’s take a look at the progress so far!

How to Play with Your Friends in Torchlight Infinite?

torchlight infinite gameplay trailer pic

As of right now, it’s not possible to play with your friends in Torchlight Infinite. There are no features for co-op or PVP in the game. You’ll also not be able to trade with others users or gift them legendary gears.

Torchlight Infinite is strictly a single-player game so far. You do need to login using a Google or TapTap account though and stay online at all times while you play the game.

We have to keep in mind that the game just got released and it’s still a work under progress.

The good news for you is that it won’t be a single-player game forever!

A developer of Torchlight Infinite have confirmed in the Steam community that they ARE working on a co-op feature in the game that will be added in upcoming seasons. However, there won’t be any multiplayer features in Season 1.

This has received varying reactions in the community.

Some have decided to stay patient and wait till the next game update comes up, while others have complained about the absence of multiplayer features, especially when co-op was a key aspect in Torchlight 2.

Nevertheless, it does give a relief in my heart, knowing that in the near future, I’ll be able to wreak havoc with Moto’s Synthetic Army while my Berserker friend demolishes anything that comes at this way!

Wrapping Up

While it may be a bummer that you can’t play with your friends in Torchlight Infinite Season 1, you still shouldn’t give up on the game.

The single-player campaign comes with an exciting story line and end-game, fun-to-play characters in the form of Gemma and Oracle, as well as unique forms of skill trees, talent trees, and crafting.

You can get a headstart into the mechanics of the game and then ace it all once the multiplayer features are finally added to Torchlight Infinite!

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