Torchlight Infinite: Best Gemma Build

If you want to unleash hell onto your enemies in the form of ice and fire, Frostfire Gemma has to be your choice in Torchlight Infinite!

Frostfire Gemma is a relatively easier character to play while also bringing the relaxing vibes of Moto; however, you’ll need to be quite active during battles.

In order to destroy the enemies and bosses in those battles, I’ve prepared for you the best Gemma Build in Torchlight Infinite consisting of the most optimal talent trees and skillset. So, let’s get on with it!

Best Gemma Build in Torchlight Infinite

Frostfire Gemma belongs to the Mage class of ARPG games. Her attacking patterns don’t involve any Melee attacks like that of the Berserker; it uses the elements of Fire and Cold to deal damage and take out enemies.

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite

A proper balance between the offensive qualities and defensive attributes is important since there’s no additional protection from the Synthetic Army, which is the case for Moto.

Furthermore, it’s also important for you to make quick decisions in order to dodge enemy attacks and take better positions for your own.

So, let’s take a look at the best Frostfire build that will help you win it all in Torchlight Infinite.

Best Traits for Gemma – Torchlight Infinite Gemma Build

I’ll encourage you to go for the Ice-Fire Fusion over Frostbitten Heart when the Trait choice arises at Level 15. After that, you’re given further choices in three other levels for Additional Traits. It’s important to choose the best one!

Level 32

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Level 32

Abnormal Energy is the better choice between the two Additional Trait options in Level 32.

That’s mainly due to the fact that Abnormal Energy has a chance to boost both Ignite and Freeze while causing further damage to enemies on which Ignite was cast.

Level 62

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Level 62

The option you go for in this level depends on your preference and how you plan on taking on the game.

If you’re looking to maximize the overall damage dealt, Spread can be a good choice because it amps up the Rampage stats. Along with an increase in Rampage duration, a wider skill area is also achieved.

Level 80

Seeping In would be the better Additional Trait choice in this level simply because it helps to retain the Fusion Energy. Furthermore, there’s also a considerable increase in both Fire Piercing and Cold Piercing stats.

Best Skills for Gemma – Torchlight Infinite Gemma Build

Scorching Pulse

I’d suggest upgrading your skillset from the initial options and choosing the Scorching Pulse to be one of your Primary skills.

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Scorching Pulse Skill

This skill deals relatively much larger damage than the other skills including AoE damage. It does come with a longer cooldown period, though. But, we’ll counter that with our next skill.

For the Scorching Pulse, the recommended passive skills are Fire Piercing, Added Fire Damage, Fire Explosion, and Critical Strike Rating Increase.

Ring of Blades

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Ring of Blades

The Ring of Blades does a great job of making up for the large cooldown time of the Scorching Pulse.

This skill inflicts damage around you and does a great job of clearing up enemies.

The must-have secondary skills to be added to Ring of Blades sub-slots are Fire Piercing, Fire Explosion, and Added Fire Damage.

Frigid Transmission

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Frigid Transmission

When it comes to swiftness in movement, Frigid Transmission introduces efficiency by slowing down enemies with each blink.

The cooldown time is also restored once you’ve cast Freeze. Additionally, you’ll also be dealing a considerable amount of Cold Damage.

Cooldown Reduction, Efficient Cast, and Quick Mobility further improve the Frigid Transmission skill and make it even more powerful.

Mana Boil

A 15% extra spell damage when under usage compels me to add Mana Boil to Gemma’s skillset. It may use up some Mana, which is it’s best to acquire this skill towards the endgame, rather than early.

The amplification in damage levels is jaw-dropping with the use of this skill and can be further bettered by adding Bloodbath, Mania, and Cooldown Reduction.

Souleating Circle

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Souleating Circle

The Souleating Circle can be quite advantageous when there’s a larger group of enemies. More enemies will then enter the Circle, which in turn, will earn you a large number of buffs every time the enemies are eliminated.

These buffs increase the Spell Damage and you can spam it as many as 15 times while the Souleating Circle is active. Cooldown Reduction, Mass Effect, and Soul Focus are the optimal additions to this skill.


Elemental Amplification should definitely be one of the Auras that you select so that the Elemental Damage can be amped up even more.

In addition to that, Charged Flames can be a good choice to increase the damage you deal using the fiery attacks as well as Ignite damage.

Magical Source is the last Aura I’d encourage you to go for, since Mana Regeneration is quite important towards the latter parts of the game.

Best Talents for Gemma – Torchlight Infinite Gemma Build

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Talents

Goddess of Knowledge

When it comes to the Talent tree, I personally think Goddess of Knowledge is the one you should go for. While completing the tree, it’s important that you opt for a balance between the offensive and defensive talents.

Tier 3’s Maximum Mana Regeneration and Tier 18’s Focus Blessing Medium Talents are the ones that to keep your eye at.

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Preparation large talent

At 10 Talent Points, going for Beacon to deal extra spell damage is the wiser choice, even though it costs higher. It’s far more cost-efficient in the long run compared to just boosts in the Cold Damage.

At 20 Talent points, Preparation will help to gain Focus Blessing, which help to increase the speed of Mana Regeneration.   


The next talent tree should be Magister, since it complements better with the Mage characteristics of Gemma. You can achieve a good amount of both DPS boost and flexibility in defense if you choose Magister.

When going through the trees, the Spell Damage booster should be your primary focus. You can also keep Shield improvements as your other option in the trees.

The Paralyze and Chest Armor Medium Talents in Tier 24 can be great options to opt for as you progress through the Magister Talent tree.

Make sure you go for “Bunch” from the three options give at 18 Talent Points. The increase in Focus Blessing will ultimately help earn Mana faster and deal greater Spell damage as well.

The next one should be “Play Safe” when you get to 36 Talent points. Even though the cooldown period may be affected, I’d still vouch for almost a one-and-a-half times increase in spell damage, which is vital in the end game.


The first large Talent in Spiritcaller is based on your preference and how you want to approach the game from your situation. But, I’d suggest choosing from Adaptation or Translucent.

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite Adaptation large talent

Adaptation would be my choice going forward since it generates a good amount of elemental damage from the damage that you take while providing resistance from external elemental attacks.

The Fire and Cold damage that can be acquired from Translucent can also be obtained through the Talent tree!

At 36 Talent Points, Peculiar Vibe is the more optimal choice of the three. The offensive stats are greatly boosted due to higher chances of dealing damage through Elemental Ailment.

Best Gear for Gemma – Torchlight Infinite Gemma Build

The requirement for Legendary gear in this build is quite low and you can get your way with the simplest of gears.

Fearless Belt

The Fearless Belt that can be obtained at Level 21 provides both attacking and defensive capabilities. The Elemental damage increases by 15% and protection against Fire and Lightning rises as well.

Elemental Envoy

Gemma Build Torchlight Infinite elemental envoy gear

This gear is mainly complements the Talent and Skill trees that I’ve followed throughout this article. The Elemental Damage and Elemental Resistance – both are raised by over 15% when this gear is equipped.


Awaiting is focused in providing further protection to Gemma during battles. Along with resistance to Fire, Cold, and Lightning, Awaiting also boosts the mobility of Gemma, which helps to doge enemy attacks better.

Furthermore, it also increases the chances of inflicting Elemental Ailment.

Wrapping Up

Levelling up with Frostfire Gemma is relatively easier compared to other characters in the game; that’s what makes her top-tier while also being a favorite to most Torchlight Infinite gamers.

As long as you keep your composure during battles and dodge the enemy attacks properly, you should be able to easily ace each and every boss battle with Gemma.

If you’re having any issues with this build, please feel free to let me know in the comments below!

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