Sega’s ‘Make War Not Love 5’ Starts Tomorrow

Ah, Valentine’s Day. The lovey-dovey holiday to show your significant other or anyone close to you some unabashedly, joyful love. But for those who don’t care for the time when love is in the air? Sega’s got you covered with their annual “Make War Not Love” promotion!

Since 2013, Sega has been celebrating their strategy game studios in a fun way. Every year around now, the promotion starts and you can usually grab Sega’s hit strategy games like Total War WarhammerDawn of War, and Company of Heroes 2 for pretty cheap. As an example, you can get Endless Space 2 at 50% off and Company of Heroes 2: Platinum Edition at 75% off. Pretty sweet deals!

If that’s not enough to convince you to join the fight, Sega usually gives you some of their smaller games for free! As a reward for signing up for the promotion, you can get Sega Genesis classics The Revenge of Shinobi and Streets of Rage 2 added to you Steam account. Even if you’re not interested in their strategy games, there’s always free games to be had!

Once the promotion begins proper, the website will begin to pull time data from your Steam account. Every day Sega will issue a new challenge for the community to play a certain amount of time, and if the goal is met new rewards will unlock for everyone to enjoy! The rewards include more discounted games and more free games, so do you part and earn those rewards!

To sign up you simply need to register an account on the website, then link your Steam account, and voila! You’re now making war! If you’re a strategy game enthusiast, you can’t miss out on these games. Check them out!

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