Pokemon Scarlet and Violet – How to Make Egg Power Sandwich (Recipe)

Using picnics to get eggs is widely used for a variety of reasons. In this guide, I will go over how to make egg power sandwiches, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

The eggs system introduced in Generation 2 allows players to hunt for shiny Pokemon, get a complete living dex, or even prepare a competitive team with the correct IVs.

The picnic mechanic simplified the process in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Instead of waiting for the daycare man to give you the egg, simply by having a picnic with the Pokemon you want eggs would be found in the basket.

Despite the simplified process, getting all the eggs you would want still takes time, but the game has players covered. Among the many sandwiches you can make, some provide players with the Egg Power effect.

There are three levels to the Egg Power buff, with increasing effects for each level. I will detail all the recipes that have the Egg Power in them and all the foods you can purchase that give it to you.

If you plan on going out and shiny hunt in the game, check out our guide on how to make Water-type shiny boosting Sandwich, in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Meals with Egg Power Lv. 1


Egg Power level 1 is the lowest effect of this buff. It can be found in a lot of recipes, and some shop items as well.

The level 1 effect makes it more likely to find Pokémon Eggs by five times, and it increases the speed of hatching Pokémon Eggs by lowering the hatching time to 80%.

These are the meal you can purchase that have the Egg Power level 1 effect.

Meal NameRestaurantMeal Effect
Paella de PaldeaPurchase at Go-For-Broke Grill for 1800 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Humungo Power: Dark Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Item Drop Power: Water Lv. 1
Salisbury Steak with Fried FixingsPurchase at Barato’s for 1900 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Encounter Power: Flying Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Catching Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Smoked Fillet with HerbsPurchase at Seafood Fresco for 1400 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Teensy Power: Ghost Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Exp. Point Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Lemon SodaPurchase at Seabreeze Cafe for 900 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Teensy Power: Dark Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Exp. Point Power: Water Lv. 1
QuesadillaPurchase at Seabreeze Cafe for 1600 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Raid Power: Ghost Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Catching Power: Psychic Lv. 1
Strawberry Chocolate CrepePurchase at Kanto Crepes for 950 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Raid Power: Water Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Catching Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Chocolate Banana CrepePurchase at Kanto Crepes for 900 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Encounter Power: Water Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Teensy Power: Steel Lv. 1
Mint Chocolate Ice CreamPurchase at Sugar-N-Ice for 950 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Raid Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Humungo Power: Steel Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Strawberry Ice CreamPurchase at Sugar-N-Ice for 900 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Exp. Point Power: Water Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Rock Lv. 1
Teriyaki Ice CreamPurchase at Sugar-N-Ice for 1150 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Item Drop Power: Bug Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Raid Power: Fighting Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Cinnamon ChurroPurchase at Smoochurro for 900 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Catching Power: Dragon Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Teensy Power: Grass Lv. 1
Grilled Rice BallsPurchase at Chic Kebab for 950 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Encounter Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Teensy Power: Electric Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Four-Piece Sushi (Moon Set)Purchase at Sushi High Roller for 2000 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Exp. Point Power: Fighting Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Raid Power: Ground Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Quiche de la Grand-mèrePurchase at Gastronome En Famille for 3400 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Catching Power: Ice Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Exp. Point Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Annin TofuPurchase at Jade Palace Garden for 900 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Raid Power: Ghost Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Teensy Power: Ice Lv. 1
Pickled Toedscool and CucumberPurchase at Jade Palace Garden for 950 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Teensy Power: Ghost Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Item Drop Power: Rock Lv. 1
Pepper SteakPurchase at Jade Palace Garden for 1700 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Item Drop Power: Poison Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Teensy Power: Grass Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Dandan NoodlesPurchase at Kofu Lounge for 3600 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Item Drop Power: Fire Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Humungo Power: Grass Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Homemade UmeboshiPurchase at Treasure Eatery for 500 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Teensy Power: Fire Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Exp. Point Power: Ghost Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Soba Noodle SoupPurchase at Treasure Eatery for 920 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Encounter Power: Fire Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Grass Lv. 1
Exclusive Four-Piece Sushi (Frost Set)Purchase at Sushi High Roller Montenevera for 4000 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Raid Power: Water Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Item Drop Power: Steel Lv. 1
Exclusive Four-Piece Sushi (Hail Set)Purchase at Sushi High Roller Montenevera for 4000 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Item Drop Power: Dragon Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Teensy Power: Electric Lv. 1

Now if you are the type of player that wants to go the picnic route, and make something yourself, here are the sandwiches that offer Egg Power Lv. 1.

SandwichSandwich IngredientsSandwich Effect
Jam SandwichStrawberry x1
Jam x1
Power 1:
・Catching Power: Fighting Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Psychic Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Ultra Jam SandwichStrawberry x1
Jam x1
Yogurt x1
Pineapple x1
Power 1:
・Catching Power: Dark Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Ground Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Peanut Butter SandwichBanana x1
Peanut Butter x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Electric Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Bug Lv. 1
Marmalade SandwichCheese x1
Marmalade x1
Power 1:
・Item Drop Power: Fighting Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Catching Power: Rock Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Dessert SandwichYogurt x1
Whipped Cream x1
Apple x2
Power 1:
・Catching Power: Flying Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Ice Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Great Dessert SandwichYogurt x1
Whipped Cream x1
Apple x2
Kiwi x1
Power 1:
・Catching Power: Flying Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Ice Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Ultra Dessert SandwichStrawberry x1
Yogurt x1
Whipped Cream x1
Apple x2
Kiwi x1
Power 1:
・Catching Power: Flying Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Ice Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Tropical SandwichAvocado x1
Marmalade x1
Klawf Stick x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Encounter Power: Fighting Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Catching Power: Dragon Lv. 1
Fruit SandwichBanana x1
Whipped Cream x1
Apple x1
Kiwi x1
Pineapple x1
Power 1:
・Item Drop Power: Normal Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Catching Power: Ground Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Great Fruit SandwichBanana x1
Whipped Cream x1
Marmalade x1
Apple x1
Kiwi x1
Pineapple x1
Power 1:
・Item Drop Power: Normal Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Catching Power: Poison Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Ultra Fruit SandwichBanana x1
Yogurt x1
Whipped Cream x1
Marmalade x1
Apple x1
Kiwi x1
Pineapple x1
Power 1:
・Item Drop Power: Normal Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Catching Power: Poison Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Sweet SandwichButter x1
Banana x1
Cheese x1
Whipped Cream x1
Apple x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Bug Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Flying Lv. 1
Tofu SandwichLettuce x1
Salt x1
Avocado x1
Rice x1
Tofu x2
Wasabi x1
Power 1:
・Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 1
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Catching Power: Grass Lv. 1

These are all the Egg Power Lv. 1 sandwiches you can make, and meals you can have in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Meals with Egg Power Lv. 2


Egg Power level 2 is the most commonly used effect of this buff. It can be found in a lot of recipes, and some shop items as well.

The level 2 effect makes it more likely to find Pokémon Eggs by seven times, and it increases the speed of hatching Pokémon Eggs by lowering the hatching time to 66.6%.

These are the meal you can purchase that have the Egg Power level 2 effect.

Meal NameRestaurantMeal Effect
Compote du FilsPurchase at Gastronome En Famille for 2800 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Exp. Point Power: Flying Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Encounter Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Hot and Sour SoupPurchase at Kofu Lounge for 3200 PokedollarsPower 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Fairy Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Humungo Power: Fighting Lv. 1

Now if you are the type of player that wants to go the picnic route, and make something yourself, here are the sandwiches that offer Egg Power Lv. 2.

SandwichSandwich IngredientsSandwich Effect
Sweet Jambon-BeurreHam x1
Butter x1
Sweet Herba Mystica x1
Power 1:
・Title Power: Ground Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Encounter Power: Bug Lv. 2
Legendary Sweet SandwichLettuce x1
Pepper x1
Bacon x1
Sweet Herba Mystica x1
Power 1:
・Title Power: Rock Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Encounter Power: Grass Lv. 2
Great Peanut Butter SandwichButter x1
Banana x1
Peanut Butter x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Raid Power: Electric Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Exp. Point Power: Normal Lv. 1
Ultra Peanut Butter SandwichButter x1
Banana x1
Jam x1
Peanut Butter x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Raid Power: Normal Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Item Drop Power: Bug Lv. 1
Ultra Pickle SandwichPickle x1
Olive Oil x1
Watercress x1
Basil x1
Power 1:
・Item Drop Power: Fighting Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Catching Power: Fire Lv. 1
Master Pickle SandwichPickle x1
Olive Oil x1
Watercress x1
Basil x1
Sour Herba Mystica x1
Power 1:
・Title Power: Fighting Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Teensy Power: Grass Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Great Marmalade SandwichButter x1
Cheese x1
Marmalade x1
Power 1:
・Title Power: Fighting Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Teensy Power: Grass Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Ultra Marmalade SandwichButter x1
Cream Cheese x1
Cheese x1
Marmalade x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Poison Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Fighting Lv. 1
Great Sweet SandwichButter x1
Banana x1
Salt x1
Cheese x1
Whipped Cream x1
Apple x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Bug Lv. 1
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Flying Lv. 1
 Ultra Sweet SandwichButter x1
Banana x1
Salt x1
Cheese x1
Whipped Cream x1
Basil x1
Apple x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Flying Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Normal Lv. 1
Master Sweet SandwichButter x1
Banana x1
Salt x1
Cheese x1
Whipped Cream x1
Basil x1
Apple x1
Sour Herba Mystica x1
Power 1:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Item Drop Power: Flying Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Raid Power: Normal Lv. 1
Master Curry-and-Noodle SandwichOlive Oil x1
Potato Salad x1
Salt x1
Hamburger x1
Noodles x1
Klawf Stick x1
Sweet Herba Mystica x1
Rice x1
Tofu x1
Curry Powder x1
Power 1:
・Title Power: Rock Lv. 2
Power 2:
・Egg Power: Lv. 2
Power 3:
・Encounter Power: Normal Lv. 2

These are all the Egg Power Lv. 2 sandwiches you can make, and meals you can have in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Pokemon Scarlet and Violet: Meals with Egg Power Lv. 3


Egg Power level 3 is unfortunately not worth the Herba Mystica you would need to use. The only place you will be able to get this buff is from recipes.

The level 3 effect makes it more likely to find Pokémon Eggs by ten times, and it increases the speed of hatching Pokémon Eggs by lowering the hatching time to 50%.

Now if you are the type of player that wants to go the picnic route, and make something yourself, here are the sandwiches that offer Egg Power Lv. 3.

There is no set recipe you will need to follow. You will need to press the “X button”, and go into Creative mode.

Sandwich IngredientsSandwich Effect
Sweet Herba Mystica
Sweet Herba Mystica
Power 1:
・Shiny Power: Normal Lv.3
Power 2:
・Title Power: Normal Lv.3
Power 3:
・Egg Power Lv.3
Sweet Herba Mystica
Salty Herba Mystica
Power 1:
・Shiny Power: Fighting Lv. 3
Power 2:
・Title Power: Fighting Lv.3
Power 3:
・Egg Power Lv.3
Sweet Herba Mystica
Bitter Herba Mystica
Power 1:
・Shiny Power: Dragon Lv.3
Power 2:
・Title Power: Dragon Lv.3
Power 3:
・Egg Power Lv.3
Sweet Herba Mystica
Salty Herba Mystica
Power 1:
・Shiny Power: Grass Lv.3
Power 2:
・Title Power: Grass Lv.3
Power 3:
・Egg Power Lv.3

These are all the Egg Power Lv. 3 sandwiches you can make, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Final Thoughts

Breeding Eggs has been a major part of the Pokemon franchise, and no matter the reason many players are fond of using it.

If you want to equip your team with the best moveset, check out our guide on how to get Roost move, and which Pokemon can learn it, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Now that you know how to get all the Egg Power levels through recipes or meals, in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet whatever Pokemon you want will be available to you. Let us know in the comments down below what kind of team are you planning on creating.


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