Omega Strikers Best Goalies

In Omega Strikers, you are going to play one of three characters in a team and go up against a team of three. There will be strikers and goalies. 

Stay tuned to find out what are the best goalies and why, as well as some tips on how to play them better.

Some might say that goalies or goalkeepers do not have such a big function and it is all up to the strikers. But that is far from reality.

Without a quality goalie player, you’ll be very vulnerable.

Goalies are characters that are sitting in the background and defending from attacking players not getting goals.

Sometimes you will run up to the forward and attack when needed.

In this guide, we will be talking about the best goalies in Omega Strikers and a couple of tips for you to get better at them. Let’s get started.

Top 5 Best Goalies in Omega Strikers

In Omega Strikers, the goalie might be the most important player on the field. They are the only ones who can protect your goal and make sure the other team doesn’t score. 

You can set up a custom game to keep training with them until you perfect them. Also, make sure to place the correct trainings for them.

That said, some of the characters are better at their jobs than others. These are the top 5 best goalies in Omega Strikers.

Number 1 – Dubu

Due to his skills, Dubu is without a doubt one of the best goalies in Omega Strikers. Which are all about defense and keeping the goal safe, which are the two most important jobs of a goalie. 

Dubu can block the core with Bamboozle and make a small shield. 

His special move, Tofu Fortress, makes an even bigger shield that completely protects your goal from shots on the net from the other team. 

Somerassault is also useful because it helps close the gap between you and an enemy and can even stun them when it hits.

Number 2 – Asher

Asher doesn’t have the nickname “the unbreakable wall” for nothing. Her gear can be used for both offense and defense, but she is best at playing goalie. 

The Arc Beam does good damage, so it works well as a “Get off of me!” tool. 

Asher can move around more with Breakthrough, which lets her push forward for a clear or cover the far side of the goal. 

But Pathsplitter is where she really shines. In this move, she combines her shields to make a slow-moving wall.

Number 3 – Juno

Juno is also a good choice for a goalie because she can set up a number of blobs that act as shields and can even send the core back in a different direction. 

Friend Fling shoots a blob a short distance away, which lets you protect your opponent from afar. 

Blob Bounce, on the other hand, lets you move short distances and drop a blob in your area. 

Lastly, Make It Rain is great when enemies are coming at you fast because it drops a blob for each enemy in a certain area.

Number 4 – Luna

Luna can be a strong offensive threat and a reliable goalie thanks to her skills. 

W.H.A.M.M.Y. can be used from a distance to send the core back or to blast an enemy who is about to hit the core. 

With B.O.O.S.T., you can leave the area around the goal and push the core back onto the enemy side. 

While Luna’s special move, C.R.A.T.E.R., can be used to defend one part of the goal while you defend the other, you can also use it to protect both.

Number 5 – Atlas

Atlas is better at playing defense, but he can also play goalkeeper. His special is his most important skill. 

Celestial Intervention makes a guardian that heals your allies and keeps them from getting knocked out. 

Astral Projection and Cosmic Expanse, his main and secondary skills, are offensive, but they can also be used to push the core and enemies back when they try to move forward.

Number 6 Situational – Kai

Kai is in a strange place. His gear looks like it was made for an offensive character, but he plays goalkeeper surprisingly well. 

Barrage is a strong tool because it hits multiple times, letting you deflect a forward’s core when it comes at you. 

Giga Blast has a big range and can send the core flying back for a powerful clear. 

Lastly, Blazing Place increases your speed, making it easier to cover the goal or move up to clear the midfield.


Make sure to check out the tier list in order to get a better overview of what characters are the best and how you can combine these goalies with.

Having a quality goalie is very good indeed, but if you do not combine it with a good forward it won’t work at all. So make sure to put very good forward players well.

If you are a goalie you aren’t meant to just stay at the goal in the back. From time to time, when needed, you will go forward and attack as well. You have to be flexible with a goalie.

Those are the best goalies in Omega Strikers. I hope that you will agree with my list. What is your favorite goalie in Omega Strikers and why? Have fun defending your goal!

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