Contraband Police: Where to Find All KGP Files

KGP Files are collectible items in Contraband Police that award $100 when finding each of them. With 14 KGP files in total, they provide an easy way for earning $1,400 when starting the game.

They work similarly to hidden stashes, with the only difference being that you don’t have to dig or use any tools to get KGP files.

Since you’ll be running around the map to find them, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to find all hidden stashes in the game, which award $300 per stash found.

In this Contraband Police guide, I will list all 14 locations of KGP files to help you find them with ease.

Where to Find All KGP Files in Contraband Police

There are 14 KGP files in Contraband Police. Let’s see how to get all of them.

KGP File 1 – Border Post

At the entrance of the Border Post where cars come in, there’s a guard sitting inside a booth.

Border Post KGP File location.
Border Post KGP File location.

Within that booth, on the desk on the far right side, you’ll find the first KGP file.

KGP File 2 – Border Post

At the edges of the Border Post, you’ll spot a small wooden toilet.

Border Post KGP File 2 location.
Border Post KGP File 2 location.

Within that, you’ll find the second KGP file.

KGP File 3 – Vlad’s Tools

Head to Vlad’s Tools shop and navigate to the back of the store (don’t go inside). Enter the fenced area where Vlad parks his car and you’ll spot a workbench on your right.

Vlad's Tools shop KGP File location.
Vlad’s Tools shop KGP File location.

Just left of the workbench on top of some crates, you’ll spot a KGP file.

KGP File 4 – D7

Travel to D7 just next to the road and you’ll find a small campsite.

D7 camp KGP File location.
D7 camp KGP File location.

At the campsite, on the wooden logs, you’ll find this KGP file.

KGP File 5 – Gavrilov’s Hideout

Head to C5 to find Gavrilov’s Hideout. From there, there will be two cabins. The first and main one is Gavrilov’s Hideout.

Gavrilov's Hideout KGP File location.
Gavrilov’s Hideout KGP File location.

Behind the main cabin is where this KGP file is located. Simply go around the stone wall until you find it on top of some barrels.

KGP File 6 – Destroyed Cabin

Head to E4 and right next to the road you’ll find a destroyed cabin.

E4 destroyed cabin KGP File location.
E4 destroyed cabin KGP File location.

Within that cabin, you’ll find the sixth KGP file on top of a barrel.

KGP File 7 – Sawmill

For KGP File 7, travel to the top right side of E6 at the Sawmill location. Find the building in the picture below and go right behind it.

Sawmill KGP File location.
Sawmill KGP File location.

The file can be found on top of a tree stump, hidden behind some boxes.

KGP File 8 – Carat Motel

Head to the Carat Motel and specifically to the parking lot.

Carat Motel KGP File location.
Carat Motel KGP File location.

The KPG file is located at the back of this blue-colored truck.

KGP File 9 – Old Ruins

Head to the Old Ruins on tile G3 and find the three abandoned buildings there. Head inside the largest one.

Old Ruins KGP File location.
Old Ruins KGP File location.

In the back room of this building, behind a closed door, you’ll find this KGP file on the desk.

KGP File 10 – Labor Camp

Head to the Labor Camp where you deliver prisoners and specifically go to the watchtower found in the corner of the camp.

Labor Camp KGP File location.
Labor Camp KGP File location.

The tenth KGP file will be located right below the watchtower, inside some crates.

KGP File 11 – Drunken Bear Inn

Head inside the Drunker Bear Inn and take a left. Go inside the door to find the kitchen, and then go inside the next door on your right to find the storage room.

When entering the storage room, check on your right to spot a locker.

Drunken Bear Inn KGP File location.
Drunken Bear Inn KGP File location.

Within that locker, you’ll find this KGP file.

KGP File 12 – Cemetery

Travel to the Cemetery location on the map and head in, towards the church.

Just before reaching the church, check on your left to find a cracked grave.

Cemetery KGP File location.
Cemetery KGP File location.

Within the crack, you’ll find the KGP file.

KGP File 13 – Police Base

For this file, head to the Police Base and find the policeman that you interact with to sell contraband.

Police Base KGP File location.
Police Base KGP File location.

Just behind him, there are many piled boxes, and at the back of them is a KGP file.

KGP File 14 – Police Base

From file #13, leave the same building from the back and turn right twice. On the side of the building, you’ll find a green container.

Police Base KGP File 2 location.
Police Base KGP File 2 location.

Within that container, at the far back, you’ll find KGP File 14.

Keep in mind that collecting all 14 KGP files will award you with the “KGP Files” achievement as well.

Wrapping up – All KGP Files Locations in Contraband Police

To summarize this Contraband Police guide, these are all the map locations of the 14 KGP files.

Collect all of them for some easy early-game cash and an extra achievement.

Did you manage to find all 14 KGP files? What are you going to buy with the money you just got? Let us know in the comments below.

With the KGP files collected, consider checking out our guide on how to get promoted and progress in the game quickly.


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