Fire Emblem Engage: Best Class for Each Character

Fire Emblem Engage has a massive roster of 36 playable characters. Managing all of them can be a daunting task. In this guide, I will go over the best class for each character in Fire Emblem Engage.

To avoid any major story spoilers, I will not go over a couple of characters. This way, if you want to know which classes are the best, you can do so free of spoilers.

I will divide the characters based on the major regions in the game.

Characters from Lythos

Lythos Castle

From Lythos four characters join your army. Alear the Divine Dragon, who is the main protagonist. The 32nd steward Vander and the 33rd twin stewards Flamme and Clanne.

Best Class for Alear

Alear is the main lord of the game, and even though he can fill any role you want. It’s best to keep him in the Dragon Child/Divine Dragon class line.

The dragon subclass type will give you many unique buffs, with any emblem you equip.

Best Class for Vander

The 32nd steward of the Divine Dragon excels in the Great Knight class. With two weapon options, he will break enemies and allow allies to go in for the kill without fear of retaliation.

Best Class for Framme

One of the twin 33rd stewards, Framme is the first healer that joins your team. She will work best in the Martial Master or High Priest classes to utilize your staves.

If you want a flying healer your second-best option would be Griffin Knight.

Best Class for Clanne

Clanne is the other 33rd steward twin. The first Mage unit you recruit. He can be an excellent Mage Knight, with swords as a secondary weapon option.

Give him the Lewin Sword to capitalize on his high Magic stat.

Characters from Firene

Firene Castle

From Firene seven characters join your army. The crown prince Alfred, the crown princess Cerine and their retainers. As well as the character Jean from a paralogue.

Best Class for Alfred

Alfred is the crown prince of Firene. His best class is the promoted Avenir class. It gives you access to the skill Golden Lotus at level 5 and Swords.

Best Class for Boucheron

Boucheron is crown prince Alfred’s retainer. His best class is the Hero class. The skill learned at level 5 will be a great asset to Boucheron.

He was your first introduction to chain attacks, allowing him to attack twice per chain attack.

Best Class for Etie

Etis is crown prince Alfred’s second retainer. Her best class is the Warrior. It opens up, the Backup subclass type, and the skill Merciless will help her do more damage on broken enemies.

Best Class for Celine

Celine is the crown princess of Firene and her best class is the promoted version of her base class, the Vidame.

Upon promotion, you will gain access to staves. This gives her the option to be a utility unit, and provide help to the rest of your army.

Best Class for Chloe

Chloe is crown princess Celine’s retainer. Her best class is the Wyvern Knight. The level 5 skill Air Raid, will help you if you position correctly.

Make your choice between Axes or Swords depending on what your team needs.

Best Class for Louis

Louis is crown princess Celine’s second retainer. Louis’ best class is the Great Knight. It gives more mobility, a second weapon type, and keeps his high Defense growth while giving you a chance to raise his Resistance.

Best Class for Jean

Jean is this game’s Zero-to-Hero unit. He can be anything you want him to be, but his best class is the Martial Master. Making use of his high offensive stats and his Staff utility.

Characters from Brodia

Brodia Castle

From Brodia eight characters join your army. The crown prince Diamant, and his brother Alcryst along with their retainers. As well as the Royal Guard Saphir.

Best Class for Diamant

Diamant is the crown prince of Brodia. His best class is the promoted Successeur class. It gives you access to the skill Sol at level 5 and Axes.

Best Class for Amber

Amber is crown prince Diamant’s retainer. His best class is going to Paladin. Be sure to make use of Pivot to gain the upper hand in any situation.

Best Class for Jade

Jade is crown prince DIamnat’s second retainer. Her best class will be the General. Utilize her personal skill to raise your Resistance, and you will have an unbreakable wall.

Best Class for Alcryst

Alcryst is the second crown prince of Brodia. His best class is the promotion of his unique class.

Tireur d’elite has access to the amazing skill Luna, and can by far outshine anyone else you think about using in the role of Sniper.

Best Class for Citrinne

Citrine is the second crown prince’s retainer. Her best class will either be the Sage or the Mage Knight.

Consider whether you need to have another Sword user or a Staff user, but Citrinne will be an amazing unit for any team.

Best Class for Lapis

Lapis is crown prince Alcryst’s second retainer. Her best class will be Swordmaster. Utilize Run Thorugh the sill learned at level 5 to make space for your units to attack.

Best Class for Yunaka

Yunaka‘s best class will be the thief class she joins in. She is one of the best units that join you, and she will shine throughout the game.

Best Class for Saphir

Saphir’s best class will be the Warrior or Hero class. Utilize either Merciless or Brave Assist to complete your team’s needs.

Characters from Elusia

Elusia Castle

From Elusia eight characters join your army. The crown princess Ivy, and her sister Hortensia along with their retainers. The scholar Lindon as well as Anna from a paralogue.

Best Class for Ivy

Ivy is the crown princess of Elusia. Her best class is the promoted Lindwurm class. It gives you access to the skill Grasping Void at level 5 and higher grade Tomes.

Best Class for Kagetsu

Kagetsu is crown princess Ivy’s retainer. His best class is the Swordmaster. He comes ready to promote and fully utilize everything a Sowrdmaster has to offer.

Best Class for Zelkov

Zelkov is crown princess Ivy’s second retainer. He is the second thief to join your army, and his best class is the thief class he joins in.

You can either use him alongside Yunaka or instead of her.

Best Class for Hortensia

Hortensia is the second crown princess of Elusia. Her best class is the promotion of her unique class.

Sleipnir Rider has access to the amazing skill World Tree and higher proficiency in Staves.

Best Class for Goldmary

Goldmary is princess Hortensia’s retainer. Though she starts as a Hero, her best class is Great Knight. She will be able to make use of her strengths much better there.

Best Class for Rosado

Rosado is princess Hortnesia’s second retainer. He starts as a Wyvern Knight with Lances and Axes, which is his best class.

Master your positioning and utilize the level 5 skill Air Raid.

Best Class for Anna

Anna joins from a paralogue as an Axe Fighter. Most players would go for a physical class, but I would suggest going for High Priest.

With the high luck growth of the class, make her a glass cannon and trigger her skill with higher rates.

Best Class for Lindon

Lindon is an Elusian scholar, that joins as a Sage. Keep him as a Sage if you need that stave utility or make him a Mage Knight to utilize Swords to break Axe enemies.

Characters from Solm

Solm Castle

From Solm seven characters join your army. The crown princess Timerra, her brother Fogado along their retainers, as well as Seadall.

Best Class for Timerra

Timerra is the crown princess of Solm. Her best class is the promoted Picketm class. It gives you access to the skill Sandstorm at level 5 and higher proficiency in Lances.

Best Class for Merrin

Merrin is crown princess Timera’s retainer. Her best class is the Wolf Knight she starts off in.

Utilize her high mobility and the level 5 skill Hobble to slow down enemies and weaken anyone who comes to attack.

Best Class for Panette

Panette is crown princess Timerra’s second retainer. Her best class is the Berserker class. She will either kill anything or make space with Smash+ the level 5 skill.

Best Class for Fogado

Fogado is the second crown prince of Solm. His best class is the promotion of his unique class.

Cupido has access to the skill Back at You at level 5, gains access to Swords, and a higher proficiency with Bows.

Best Class for Bunet

Bunet is the crown prince Fogado’s retainer. His best class is the Great Knight because it allows him to deal decent damage, and take blows when he can.

Best Class for Pandreo

Pandreo is the crown Prince Fogado’s second retainer. His best class is the High Priest, which allows him to heal the team and do damage from behind.

His low defense will make him a liability if left alone to deal with enemies.

Best Class for Seadall

Seadall is the Dancer unit of this game. I can’t stress this enough, but keep him as a dancer.

Dancer units are beyond amazing and they refresh a unit’s turn. At level 5 he unlocks the skill Special Dance.


These have been the best classes for each character, in Fire Emblem Engage. Use this knowledge to get the most out of your units, and gain the upper hand in any situation.

With knowledge in your pocket, check out our guide on how to recruit all the characters.

Let us know in the comments down below, which unit you like in the game and what class is your favorite.


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