Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Howl TM: Where to Get It

Howl is a status move that raises the user’s and all allies’ Attack stat by one stage. Since it is only by one stage, Howl was outshined by other support moves in previous generations, such as Helping Hand and Sword’s Dance.

However, the introduction of Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet has made Howl a key tool, since it can buff all 4 Pokemon at the same time.

The only setback is that Howl cannot be learned as a TM. Instead, Pokemon learn it as a basic move, by leveling up, or through egg moves.

In this guide, I will explain where to get Howl in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and showcase why it’s such a great move.

Why is Howl a Great Move in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Fighting a Dragonite in a tera raid in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Fighting a Dragonite in a tera raid in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Howl buffs the Attack stat of the user and all allied Pokemon. Thus, in a Tera Raid, all 4 Pokemon can get buffed with one move.

The only thing to keep in mind is to bring Pokemon that benefit from the Attack stat buffs.

For instance, consider checking out our list of the best Pokemon for 6-star raids in the game. Iron Hands, Azumarill, and Koraidon all benefit from Attack buffs and can even one-shot enemies if they get enough support.

Also, make sure to combine Howl with some of the other best support moves for Tera Raids, such as Instruct and Screech.

How to Teach a Pokemon Howl in Scarlet and Violet

Now that you’re convinced of the usefulness of Howl, you’re probably wondering how to get it. Three categories of Pokemon can learn Howl: those that have it by default, those that get it by leveling up, and those that require getting it as an egg move.

Pokemon that Learn Howl by Default

Arcanine and Houndoom from the Pokemon series.
Arcanine and Houndoom from the Pokemon series.

There are only two Pokemon in this category, Arcanine and Houndoom. These two learn Howl by default and players can get it by visiting the remember moves section at any point.

To relearn old moves, simply open up the Pokemon’s summary page, go to the moves tab, and click Y to change moves. Find Howl from the list, select a move to replace, and that’s it!

Pokemon That Learn Howl by Leveling Up

Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Scream Tail in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Various Pokemon also learn Howl simply by leveling up. It’s an early game move, so all Pokemon in this category learn it early on (before level 20). Here are all of them.

  • Scream Tail (Lv. 7)
  • Growlithe (Lv. 4)
  • Houndour (Lv. 4)
  • Rockruff (Lv. 16)
  • Lycanroc – Midday Form (Lv. 16)
  • Lycanroc – Midnight Form (Lv. 16)
  • Lycanroc – Dusk Form (Lv. 16)

If you didn’t choose to learn Howl while leveling up with these Pokemon, don’t worry. You can always use the remember move feature as mentioned in the previous section to learn it.

Pokemon That Learn Howl as an Egg Move

Houndstone in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Houndstone in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

As long as you’ve got one of the above Pokemon that knows Howl and a Mirror Herb (bought from Delibird Presents), you can teach any of the following Pokemon Howl as an egg move.

Teaching egg moves in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet is extremely easy and takes only a few minutes via the picnic feature. For details on how to learn egg moves in the game, consider checking out our relevant guide.

Here are all the Pokemon that learn Howl as an egg move.

  • Fidough
  • Greavard
  • Houndstone
  • Dachsbun
  • Numel
  • Camerupt
  • Shinx
  • Luxio
  • Luxray
  • Riolu
  • Lucario

For raids, I highly recommend using Houndstone, one of the strongest Ghost-type Pokemon in the game. It can start as a support with Howl and when your allies die enough times, Last Respects can take down even the strongest enemies.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on where to get Howl in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and why you should be using it for Tera Raids.

It’s a great support move that buffs allies’ Attack and can be learned by certain Pokemon by default, by leveling up, or as an egg move.

If you enjoyed reading this guide, consider checking out our list of the best Fairy-type Pokemon in the game.

Are you using Howl for Tera Raids? Which of the above Pokemon are you opting for? Let us know in the comments below.


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