Pokemon Scarlet & Violet: How to Get Hamburger

The hamburger is a specialty ingredient used in cooking that players can purchase in Deli Cioso shops all around Paldea.

Eating specific meals in the game grants players unique buffs known as Meal Powers. These affect Pokemon catch rate, raid power, encountering rare Pokemon, and more.

For more recipe ideas and advanced ingredients, consider checking out our guide on how to get ham in the game.

In this guide, I will explain how to get hamburger in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet and list all recipes that can be made with this ingredient.

How to Get Hamburger in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Having a picnic with various Pokemon in Scarlet and Violet.

Contrary to what its name suggests, the hamburger is an ingredient, not a finished dish. Therefore, similar to other ingredients players can buy it at specific locations.

Before being able to buy hamburgers, players will need to defeat two Gym Leaders and collect the respective badges.

For starting Gyms, I highly recommend the Grass and Bug-type ones, since they are the easiest.

After completing these gyms, hamburgers will be available for purchase.

Thankfully, hamburger is a common ingredient that can be found all around Paldea. Simply look for any Deli Cioso shop. These shops are available at the following locations.

  • Artazon
  • Cascarrafa
  • Cotrondo
  • Livincia
  • Medali
  • Mesagoza
  • Montenevera
  • Porto Marinada

However, it’s one of the most expensive ingredients. Each hamburger will cost you 380.

All Hamburger Recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet

Preparing a picnic sandwich in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

While there aren’t many sandwiches that require hamburgers, the benefits of these few sandwiches are immense.

Here’s every sandwich you can craft with hamburger in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Especially the Steel-type shiny boost sandwich is worth the effort. It allows players to find Steel-type shiny Pokemon more easily.


To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on how to get hamburger in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. Obtain 2 gym badges and then travel to any Deli Cioso shop around Paldea.

From there, at a slightly higher price compared to other ingredients, players can buy hamburgers.

If you’re interested in other ingredients, consider checking out our guides on how to get avocado, cream cheese, jam, and peanut butter.

Which sandwich are you trying to make? Are you missing any other ingredients? Let us know in the comments below.


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