Roblox Adopt Me: Japan Egg – When Will It Be Removed?

One of the core event systems in Roblox Adopt Me is the addition of time-limited eggs.

These are a great way for players to test their luck at obtaining time-limited pets that could rise in price significantly over the next months.

For instance, some of the best legendary pets in the game were available exclusively on eggs during 2019 events.

In this guide, I will explain what is the japan egg, what kind of drops to expect from it, and when it will be removed from the game.

What is the Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me

Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me.
Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me.

The Japan egg is a limited legendary egg in the game which was released on September 8, 2022.

Each egg costs 750 bucks and can be bought from the Gumball Machine in the Nursery.

If you’re struggling with bucks, consider checking out our guide on the best ways to make money in Roblox Adopt Me.

Let’s see exactly what one can expect to get from a Japan Egg.

All Drops From Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me

Baku legendary pet from Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me.
Baku legendary pet from Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me.

There are 12 unique pets available in the Japan Egg, ranging from common all the way to legendary ones. Here are all the pets included.

  • Dugong (common)
  • Sado Mole (common)
  • Rhino Beetle (uncommon)
  • Tanuki (uncommon)
  • Ibis (rare)
  • Koi Carp (rare)
  • Leopard Cat (rare)
  • Red Crowned Crane (ultra-rare)
  • Spider Crab (ultra-rare)
  • Trapdoor snail (ultra-rare)
  • Baku (legendary)
  • Maneki-Neko (legendary)

As for the exact drop rates, they are as follows.

  • Common – 22%
  • Uncommon – 19%
  • Rare – 34%
  • Ultra-Rare – 20%
  • Legendary – 5%

If you’re aiming for a legendary pet, or are simply stockpiling eggs to sell them on a future date, you might be worried as to when the egg will be removed from the game.

When Will Japan Egg Be Removed From Roblox Adopt Me

Trading hub in Roblox Adopt Me.
Trading hub in Roblox Adopt Me.

Limited legendary eggs, such as the Japan Egg, do not come back after leaving the game. Thus, it’s important to buy as many as possible now if you’re interested in its drops.

While there is no confirmed date yet, the Japan Egg is estimated to leave the game in late February/early March.

This is because limited legendary eggs in Roblox Adopt Me last on average six months and the Japan Egg was released on September 8, 2022.

For instance, the previous egg was the Woodland Egg. It was introduced on March 17, 2022, and removed on September 8, 2022. This was slightly less than 6 months.

Therefore, we can expect something similar with the Japan Egg, which should be removed in late February or early March.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know about the Japan Egg in Roblox Adopt Me, including when it will be removed from the game.

Since event eggs last for 6 months on average, we can expect the Japan Egg to be removed in late February or early March.

If you enjoyed reading this article and want a better understanding of the trade market in Roblox Adopt Me, consider checking out our list of the value of all pets in the game.

Are you buying and hoarding Japan Eggs, or are you hatching them? Which of the two legendaries are you hoping for? Let us know in the comments below.


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