Monster Hunter Now Black Diablos Guide: How to Defeat Them

Events can breathe life into the game. In this guide, I will go over the Black Diablos event, and how to defeat them.

The game’s first event is centered around the monster Black Diablos. Monster Hunter Now follows the steps of another major game the company has released, Pokemon Go.

Diablos Invasion is the equivalent of the Community Day event. The event boosts creature spawns and provides additional quests for a limited time.

Its original runtime was between Saturday, September 23rd, and Sunday, September 24th between 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Much like Community Day these events come back multiple times so the information will always be relevant to have.

If the event got you interested in starting the game you may need a referral code to get those extra rewards, so check out our guide on all the working Referral Codes in September 2023 in Monster Hunter Now.

Monster Hunter Now: Diablos Invasion Event Breakdown


Diablos is a desert-dwelling monster you can find all around the map, while its spawns will be boosted in desert-dwelling areas.

It was available to all players who have reached Hunter Rank 11. You can also use this opportunity to farm monster parts for Diablos weapons and armor.

Some of these perks you will find are the following:

  • Guard: Guard reduces damage and knockback when blocking
  • Heroics: Heroics increase attack power when below a third of health
  • Slugger: Slugger increases stun power

You could also find limited-time quests available throughout the weekend, in a new tab implanted called “Special” alongside the game’s daily quests.

These time-limited Event Quests will enable players to snap pictures of Diablos in the AR mode to earn extra rewards.

This event also marks the debut of a new variant of the Diablos species, called Black Diablos a very rare spawn that eluded many players.

All the Diablos you will face through the event will be a five-star encounter at minimum, and it encourages players to team up and go after them together.

Monster Hunter Now: Diablos’s Weaknesses


Much like most monsters, you will have to find, even this event boss will have its own weaknesses.

When facing the Diablos, and Black Diablos to get the upper hand you will need to go after one of its three weaknesses.

Diablos is weak against the following elements: 

  • Ice 
  • Dragon
  • Paralysis 

And as it always was, if you have enough raw damage nothing will stand in your way. Make use of the enemies’ weaknesses, no matter the encounter or the difficulty.

Also, most enemy star encounters will tell you what their weakness is, and what are the monster’s breakable parts. The game provides the most useful information together, to make it easier for players to make use of.

So let’s have a look at all the viable weapons you can make use of:

  • Glacial Arrow: Legiana Weapon Set – Ice Element
  • Glacial Grace: Legiana Weapon Set – Ice Element
  • Glacial Shotel: Legiana Weapon Set – Ice Element
  • Girros Hammer: Girros Weapon Set – Paralysis Element
  • Girros Knife: Girros Weapon Set – Paralysis Element

Final Thoughts

Events can bring a player base together working toward a common goal. They can allow players to gather materials they may need, or even prepare for future updates by having a big stock of materials.

If you are interested in figuring out if the bow is the weapon for you in this game, check out our weapon guide on everything you need to know about the bow in Monster Hunter Now.

With everything you would need to know about the DIablos Invasion event laid out for Monster Hunter Now, you will be ready to tackle the event when it comes back to the game. Let us know in the comments below how are you enjoying the game so far.


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