Fae Farm: How to Make Pink Flowers

Are you trying to step up your flower farming game by making hybrid flowers? Let’s see how to make pink flowers in Fae Farm.

Overall, making hybrid flowers requires placing three flower beds in a row and planting two different flower seeds on the two sides while leaving the middle bed empty.

In this guide, I will explain how to make hybrid flowers in Fae Farm and help you plant pink, orange, black, and ivory flowers.

If you haven’t unlocked flower beds yet and aren’t sure how flower farming works, check out our guide on how to plant flowers in Fae Farm.

How to Make Hybrid Flowers in Fae Farm

How to make hybrid flowers and pink flowers in Fae Farm.

To make hybrid flowers in Fae Farm, follow these steps:

  1. Place three flower beds in a row, next to each other.
  2. Place two different flower seeds, one on each edge and leave the middle flower bed empty.
  3. Water the two flower seeds until they grow and a hybrid flower will spawn in the empty middle slot.

Keep in mind that the hybrid flower won’t appear necessarily when the two flowers grow. Each day after the flowers are fully grown has a chance of spawning a hybrid flower. Thus, you may need to wait a few days until you get it.

While you’re free to experiment with the flower combinations and see what you get, you can also keep reading to see how to make each hybrid flower in the game.

All Hybrid Flowers and How to Make Them in Fae Farm – How to Make Pink Flowers

How to make hybrid flowers and pink flowers in Fae Farm.

In total, there are four hybrid flowers in Fae Farm and each of them requires a different combination of flower seeds placed on the two edges of the flower bed setup. Here are all the hybrid flowers in Fae Farm and how to get them:

  • Pink Lily: Red Rose + While Lily
  • Orange Tulip: Red Rose + Yellow Tulip
  • Black Trillium: Green Zinnia + Magenta Trillium
  • Ivory Lily: White Lily + Yellow Tulip

Thus, to get pink flowers in Fae Farm, simply plant one Red Rose on one side, a White Lily on the other side, and leave the middle flower bed empty.

The same goes for all flowers with the only tricky part being that to get a Black Trillium, you’ll first need to progress the game enough and unlock Asphodel in the Elven Village to buy Green Zinnia and Magenta Trillium.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, to make pink flowers and any hybrid flower in Fae Farm, place three flower beds in a row, plant two normal flower seeds on the edges, and wait until a hybrid flower spawns in the middle.

As long as you’ve placed one of the four flower combinations on the edges and wait a few days after they are fully grown, you’ll get a hybrid flower.

Which hybrid flower did you make first? What do you think about hybrid flower farming overall? Feel free to share your thoughts and suggestions in the comment section below.

Before leaving, if you’re looking to catch fish and make money or cook various meals, check out our Fae Farm fishing guide.


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