Monster Hunter Now: Best Bow Build

In this guide, I will showcase the best bow build in Monster Hunter Now. The bow offers players an interesting playstyle to use and many people should give it a try.

The bow relies on charged attacks, and dodging at the correct time to avoid taking damage. It is one of the more strategic options since you will need to know when to release your arrows, your overall positioning, and what part you want to hit.

It can be a really unique way to experience this game and maybe transfer that experience to the mainline games. Pair that up with the right Armor pieces, and you will have a build that will carry you through many tough challenges.

Since we are talking about bow builds, check out our guide on everything you need to know about the bow in Monster Hunter Now.

Monster Hunter Now: Bow Build Breakdown


Unless players decide to become Bow weapon mains, and only use that weapon type dropping all their resources into creating perfect bow builds to cater to all the elemental weaknesses can become wasteful for the resources it takes.

The best bow build for Monster Hunter Now will break down a build that focuses on raw damage. Any player will be able to upgrade a bow and use it in any given fight without much hassle.

This way they will be able to enjoy the game and make use of one of its many different weapon types.

Best Bow for Raw Damage


This is the bow you will want to build your bow around.

It is the Archer’s Dance 5, and it is the final upgraded form of the Kulu Arrow.

Weapon NameAttackAffinityCharged ShotSpecial SkillEquipment Skills
Kulu Arrow 11005%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Kulu Arrow 214410%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.1None
Kulu Arrow 320710%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.1None
Kulu Arrow 429915%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.1Fortify Lv.1
Kulu Arrow 543015%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.1Fortify Lv.1
Archer’s Dance 155920%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.2Fortify Lv.1
Archer’s Dance 272720%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.2Fortify Lv.1
Archer’s Dance 394525%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.3Fortify Lv.2
Archer’s Dance 4122825%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.3Fortify Lv.2
Archer’s Dance 5159630%Rapid Lv.1
Rapid Lv.2
Rapid Lv.3
Pierce Lv.4
Dragon Piercer Lv.3Fortify Lv.2

The reason you want to use this bow compared to the Diablos Coilbender, despite its lower base attack has to do with the higher affinity.

The Archer’s Dance at Grade 5 has a base 30% affinity and when combined with the correct armor pieces utilizes the higher critical hit chance, to do massive damage.

If you want to know more about the affinity stat, and what it does check out our affinity guide, and how to improve it in Monster Hunter Now.

Best Armor to Use


There are many different armor options to use, but for a bow that focuses on raw damage, here are the best armor pieces you will want to use, and the abilities they provide.

NamePukei HoodRathalos MailLumu VambracesLumu CoilKulu Greaves
Equipment SkillsFocus Lv.1 (Grade 2)
Health Boost Lv.1 (Grade 4)
Health Boost Lv.2 (Grade 6)
Weakness Exploit Lv.1
Weakness Exploit Lv.2 (Grade 6)
Concentration Lv.1
Divine Blessing Lv.1 (Grade 4)
Concentration Lv.2 (Grade 6)
Divine Blessing Lv.1
Divine Blessing Lv.2
(Grade 6)
Critical Eye Lv.1
(Grade 2)
Critical Eye Lv.2
(Grade 6)

Now that you know which armor pieces to equip, here is what each ability will do for you.

  • Focus: Shortens charging time for weapons with charge attacks, and increases the fill rate of the Spirit Gauge.
  • Health Boost: Increases maximum health.
  • Weakness Exploit: Increases affinity when attacking a monster’s weak spot.
  • Concentration: Increases Special Gauge fill rate.
  • Divine Blessing: Provides a chance to reduce damage taken from an attack.
  • Critical Eye: Increases affinity.

This is the best bow build for Monster Hunter Now.

Final Thoughts

The bow weapon has a lot of different elements to choose from, and by tweaking the Armor Pieces a little you will be able to master all the different elements.

If you want to know more about the Affinity stat, check out our guide on what the Affinity stat is, and how to improve it in Monster Hunter Now.

With the best bow build laid out, and how to reach the best possible result by Grade 6 in Monster Hunter Now, you are set to take on the world. Let us know in the comments down below, which is your favorite weapon type element.


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