Payday 3 Dirty Ice Manager Location & What to Do with Her

Are you looking to maximize your profits in the Dirty Ice heist? Here’s what to do with the manager and her exact location.

The manager is needed to access the Jewelry Workshop where you can scan any stolen jewelry and increase their selling price. Simply put, if you want to make more money per jewelry bag, find the manager and unlock the workshop.

In this guide, I will explain where to find the manager in the Dirty Ice heist in Payday 3, what to do with her, and how to force her to unlock the workshop.

While you can go loud, I highly recommend going stealth and using our recommended best stealth build in Payday 3.

Dirty Ice Manager Location in Payday 3

Manager location in Dirty Ice heist in Payday 3.

At the start of the Dirty Ice heist in Payday 3, the manager is located in the front room of the store with the jewelry cases. Specifically, she will be near the pillar on the back corner of the room.

Once you get close to her, the game will mention that she’s the manager and highlight her.

However, in the front of the store, she isn’t of any use. Instead, you’ll need to blackmail her and force her to come to her office.

What to Do with the Manager & How to Unlock the Jewelry Workshop in Payday 3

Manager location in Dirty Ice heist in Payday 3 - find the documents in the basement and use them to blackmail the manager.

The manager in the Dirty Ice heist is used to pass through the biometric scanner and unlock the Jewelry Workshop (locked room in the VIP Room). However, you first need to force her to come to her office.

To do that, access the basement of the store (you can find the code in the manager’s office, on the computer), and lockpick the room in the corner (not the one that requires a keycard).

Inside the room, make sure to unlock the safe and photograph the documents. Afterward, navigate back to the manager’s office and use the telephone on the desk.

With the documents you have, you can blackmail her and force her to come to the office. Once she’s there, ambush and use her as a human shield (default hotkey: Q).

While holding the manager, enter the VIP room and bring her right next to the biometric scanner at the entrance of the Jewelry Workshop.

After a few seconds, this will unlock the door in front of you and you’ll be able to access the workshop.

You have no more use of the manager so make sure to tie her down.

What to Do in the Jewelry Workshop

Manager location in Dirty Ice heist in Payday 3 - how to use the manager to unlock the jewelry workshop.

The main purpose of the Jewelry Workshop is to use the scanner and insert all your jewelry bags. This will increase the value of each bag as they won’t appear stolen anymore.

It’s fairly simple and significantly increases your payout from the heist, but it will take some time since it’s also fairly slow.

Keep in mind that accessing the jewelry and scanning everything isn’t essential. You can escape with all the jewelry without ever opening this room but you’ll get less money overall.

Wrapping up

To sum up this manager location guide for Dirty Heist in Payday, you can find the manager in the front area of the store.

Once you photograph the documents from the safe in the basement, you can use the phone from the manager’s office to call the manager in the back and then use her to unlock the Jewelry Workshop.

Have you managed to complete Dirty Heist while taking all the bags and scanning everything in the workshop? Feel free to share your heist experiences in the comments below.

If you’re interested in trying a different heist, check out our Rock the Cradle stealth guide in Payday 3.


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