Fire Emblem Engage Veronica Guide [DLC Wave 3]

Emblem Veronica is introduced in Fire Emblem Engage, as part of the two new Emblem Bracelets in Wave 3 of the paid DLC.

In this guide, I will go over Emblem Veronica’s stat bonuses, her three weapons, her Engraving, and her skills. In the end, I will showcase a couple of ways that utilize her kit the best.

Since you are looking into Chrom & Robin, check out our complete guide on Emblem Camilla, one of the other Emblem Bracelets introduced on the 2nd wave of the paid DLC.

Fire Emblem Engage Emblem Veronica Information

Stat Boosts

Upon reaching certain Bond Levels, the stat bonuses the Emblem gives are increased. Reaching Level 19 will grant you the maximum amount of bonuses.

RING LEVELMagicResistanceLuck



Hliðskjálf: A staff wielded by Emblem Veronica. If the user initiates combat, the foe cannot counterattack.

Fortify+: A staff wielded by Emblem Veronica. Heals HP and status effects for all allies within a 7-space radius.

Élivágar: Powerful magic wielded by Emblem Veronica. Nullifies basic stat bonuses on target for 1 turn after combat.


Emblem Veronica’s Engraving Heroes gives a weapon +1 Mt, -20 HIt, -20 Crit, +20 Avoid, and +40 Dgd.

This is the most unique engraving in the game so far because it allows players to face enemies with a high critical rate, with some ease.

It is meant for a more enemy phase option, to dodge tank a lot of enemies or hold down chock points.

Fire Emblem Engage Emblem Veronica Skills


Summon Hero: Use to summon a random unit from a pull of 3-star to 5-star units. (3-star units are base class units. 4-star units are advanced class units with their class skills. 5-star units are Emblems from the game.) Level 1 unlock.

  • Dragon: Summons a powerful unit. (No 3-star units will be summoned)
  • Backup: Summoned unit has the “Dual Strike” skill.
  • Cavalry: Summoned unit gets Mov+1.

Contract: Use to grant another action to an adjacent ally who has already acted. (Ally cannot move.) Level 1 unlock.

  • Dragon: Grants Str/Mag/Def/Res+2 to ally during their action.
  • Backup: Unit participates in chain attack during ally action.
  • Covert: Grants Hit/Avo+30 to ally during their action.

Magic and Dexterity: Increase the base Magic and Dexterity by a certain amount

  • Magic and Dexterity+1: Level 2 unlock
  • Magic and Dexterity+2: Level 7 unlock
  • Magic and Dexterity+3: Level 12 unlock
  • Magic and Dexterity+4: Level 14 unlock
  • Magic and Dexterity+5: Level 18 unlock

Knife Guard: At the base level, if the foe is equipped with a knife, the unit takes 1 less damage during combat. Effects are changed depending on the skill level.

  • Knife Guard 1: Level 3 unlock.
  • Knife Guard 2: Level 8 unlock. The damage is increased from 1 less to 2 less.
  • Knife Guard 3: Level 13 unlock. The damage is increased from 2 less to 3 less.
  • Knife Guard 4: Level 17 unlock. The damage is increased from 3 less to 4 less.
  • Knife Guard 5: Level 19 unlock. The damage is increased from 4 less to 5 less.

Book of Worlds: Book of Worlds advances 1 stage (to max 5) for each consecutive round that unit uses Wait. Reverts to the base stage if the unit triggers the effect by attacking. Level 3 unlock.

  • Book I: Seal: If the unit initiates combat, freezes foe after combat.
  • Book II: Flame: If the unit initiates combat, freezes foe, and sets foe’s space on fire after combat.
  • Book III: Death: If the unit initiates combat, deals 10 damage, freezes foe, and sets foe’s space on fire after combat.
  • Book IV: Dream: If the unit initiates combat, restores HP equal to the damage dealt during combat, then deals 10 damage, freezes foe, and sets foe’s space on fire after combat.
  • Book V: Science: If the unit initiates combat, restores HP to self and adjacent allies equal to the damage dealt during combat, then deals 10 damage, freezes foe, and sets foe’s space on fire after combat.

Reprisal: If the unit’s HP is not full, add 30% of lost HP to Atk.

  • Reprisal: Level 1 unlock
  • Reprisal+: Level 18 unlock. If the unit’s HP is not full, add 50% of lost HP to Atk.

Level Boost: When the unit defeats a foe of a higher level, grants Lvl+1 until the end of the battle. (Max +3)

SP Conversion: Grants +20 SP for each defeated foe. Triggers even without a ring or bracelet equipped.

Fire Emblem Engage Emblem Veronica Combos


Emblem Veronica is the pinnacle of support Emblems or units that tend to have dead turns.

Turns where they don’t need to do anything and just press wait. A great example is a healer unit that in the first few turns most likely stays in place waiting for a chance to heal. This way you can gain stacks on the Book of Worlds to reach the later effects.

Aside from that if you want to use her offensively, work with her in a build that makes use of Vantage, Wrath, and Quick Riposte.


In conclusion, this was all the information you will need to utilize Emblem Veronica to her fullest extent, in Fire Emblem Engage.

Emblem Veronica is an extremely useful Magic focused Emblem Bracelet, that can also offer a unique way through battles with her gacha system. Making the summoned units work to your advantage will make her worth skyrocket.

Seeing how Veronica is the last Emblem introduced with the DLC, the game feels a little more complete.

If you are interested to know more about the other Emblem introduced in the 3rd Wave of the DLC, check out our guide on Emblem Chrom & Robin.

Let us know in the comments down below how you plan on using Veronica, and how you feel about the Emblem Bracelets now that they are all released.


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