Dreamlight Valley: Minnie Mouse Level 10 Quest Guide – How to Get the Dress

Minnie Mouse’s questline is one of the hardest to complete in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

And the worst part is that players who complete it, find themselves unable to get the level 10 dress reward.

Minnie has 3 quests in total, available at friendship levels 2, 4, and 7. There’s no quest at level 10, but the level 7 one will require a lot of effort to complete.

The issue is that there is no level 10 quest for Minnie Mouse added to the game. Therefore, players are unable to get the final dress reward.

Also, if you’re interested in other characters other than Minnie Mouse, consider checking out our guide on all friendship rewards in Disney Dreamlight Valley. Maybe you’ll find a reward worth grinding for.

In this guide, I will explain what’s wrong with Minnie’s level 10 quest, and also show you how to complete all her other quests.

How to Get Minnie Mouse’s Dress

Unfortunately, the short answer is that you can’t get Minnie’s dress for now. Getting the dress requires completing Minnie’s level 10 quest, which hasn’t been added to the game yet.

Your best option, for now, is progressing Minnie’s questline up to level 7 and waiting for a future update that will add her final quest.

But how do you progress to level 7? Let’s examine exactly that.

How to Unlock Minnie Mouse

Interacting with ghost Minnie in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Minnie starts in the Valley as a ghost. To unlock and interact with her, players need to progress Mickey’s questline.

Specifically, at friendship level 8, Mickey’s quest will allow players to unlock Minnie Mouse.

To complete Mickey’s quest, players will have to craft a Dreamlight Magnifier which requires the following items:

After crafting the wand, talk to Merlin and complete the quest. And that’s it. Now you’ve unlocked Minnie and can progress her friendship levels.

Minnie Mouse Friendship Rewards

Minnie Mouse Friendship Rewards in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Here are all of Minnie Mouse’s friendship rewards in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

  • Level 2 – Minnie Headband
  • Level 3 – Minnie’s Bow Overlay
  • Level 4 – 500 Star Coins
  • Level 5 – Polka Dot Armchair
  • Level 6 – Baloon Overlay
  • Level 7 – 1.000 Star Coins
  • Level 8 – Cute Bow Bed
  • Level 9 – Cacti Overlay
  • Level 10 – Minnie’s Dress

How to Complete Minnie Mouse’s Quests

Minnie Mouse has three friendship quests, available at levels two, four, and seven. Let us examine those in turn.

Level 2 Quest – The Language of Flowers

This is a 2-step quest that requires players to gather some flowers. First, they will have to visit the Forest of Valor and gather six Blue Star Lilies.

For the second step, players will be tasked with finding four Red Bell Flowers again from the Forest of Valor and one White and Red Hydrangea from Dazzle Beach.

After gathering everything, follow Minnie’s instructions and bring the gift to Mickey.

Level 4 Quest – On The Trail of Minnie’s Memories

At the beginning of this quest, Mickey will give players a Dreamlight Magnifier.

Then, you will have to bring the magnifier to the Peaceful Meadow, in a shining area between Goofy’s Stand and the traveling well.

Then, walk down to Dazzle Beach from the main stairs and head left. The second shining area will be in front of you.

The third and final area is in the Forest of Valor, right next to the Pillar of Courage.

After visiting all three areas, interact with Mickey and Minnie and they will start talking. This will complete the quest.

Level 7 Quest – Remembering Old Times

Placing the Clock Tower in Disney Dreamlight Valley.

Minnie Mouse’s final quest is simple but takes a lot of time to complete. This is because it requires a huge supply of certain materials.

To complete Minnie’s final quest, here’s everything you will need:

After gathering everything, talk to Minnie again. Then, visit a workbench and craft the Rustic Clock. Lastly, place it anywhere in the Valley and that’s it.


And that’s all you need to know about progressing Minnie’s questline. Unfortunately, there is no way to get Minnie’s dress at the moment, but it will be added with a future update.

Until then, follow this guide to max out her friendship level and have everything ready when the developers decide to add her final quest.

What do you think about the developers’ decision not to add Minnie’s final quest? Do you think it should be added soon? Let us know in the comments below.


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