The Last Faith Progression Guide: Best Stats to Get First

Are you trying to decide on the best stats to level up first in The Last Faith? Let’s go through everything you need to know.

There are five stats in The Last Faith and the best one to get first is Vitality. Secondarily, focus on the stat that benefits your weapon of choice.

Let’s explain this choice in further detail to help you decide on where to spend your hard-earned points.

Best Stat in The Last Faith

Best stat to level up in The Last Faith.

Overall, the best stat to level up in The Last Faith is Vitality. This stat increases your max HP, while also granting you physical defense and bleeding defense/resistance.

Of course, the main bonus is the HP increase. In a game that’s not forgiving and where every enemy can kill you, it’s important to have some extra HP.

This is especially true in the early and mid game, since enemies and bosses may even end up one-shotting you. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry.

Best stat to level up in The Last Faith.

Secondarily, decide on the type of weapons you’ll use for the rest of the run and check the stat that they scale with. If your weapons scale with Strength, level up Strength as your secondary stat.

Specifically, I recommend leveling up Vitality twice, then one point on your stat of choice, and then two on Vitality again. Repeat this until you’re comfortable with your HP and then start focusing on the stat of your choice.

As long as you level them up evenly, you’ll be fine. After all, the softcap for Strength and Vitality is on level 55.

As for your secondary stat, make sure to choose carefully. There is no way to respec your points, so you’ll have to commit to the stat you chose unless you want to start farming again from scratch.

For a more detailed view, here’s our attributes guide in The Last Faith, showcasing all stats and their effects.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, Vitality is the best stat to level up first in The Last Faith. It increases your maximum HP and it’s essential for any build.

Especially during the early game where you’re still getting familiar with the game’s mechanics, some extra points on Vitality will go a long way.

Which secondary stat are you leveling up? How much did you level Vitality until you felt safe and comfortable with your HP? Feel free to share your attribute builds in the comments below. Just make sure to also include your weapon of choice.

If you’re looking to try a different but similar game, here’s our list of all Risk of Rain artifacts and where to find them.


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