Today, we’re going to learn who to get the Roost move in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet, as well as check out a full list of Pokemon who can lean it. Updated constantly.
The move Roost has been a staple in the main games, and the competitive scene since its introduction back in Generation 4 of the Pokemon Series.
A Flying-type status move that heals the target for 50% of their HP and removes their Flying typing.
Though many pokemon can learn the move outside of the Flying type and have used it to varied success over the years. In this guide, I will go over how to get Roost and which Pokemon can learn it.
If you are interested in more Pokemon content, check out our guide on the best team for Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
Scarlet and Violet: Roost Guide & How to Get It
Roost is a status move in the game, with 5PP, that can be increased to 8PP. It can heal up to 50% of maximum Hip Points. Also, Flying-type Pokémon are no longer Flying-type for the rest of the turn.
The second effect of the move is really important. The removal of the Flying-typing means that the pokemon that uses Roost will lose all the type’s weaknesses.
Unfortunately, this means you will also lose the type’s resistances and your Ground immunity.
Roost was introduced in Generation 4 to counter another move introduces in the same Generation. Stealth Rock was an entry hazard move, that did percent damage to any pokemon that entered the field.
With the most damage commonly dealt on Flying-type pokemon, that had an x2 weakness to Rock. Roost came to counter the damage these pokemon took upon entering the field.
Now that you know what this move is, and how it can benefit your team, let’s go over how to get Roost in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.
How to get Roost in Scarlet and Violet
As of Generation 9, the move Roost has been demoted from TM status. As you will go through the game, you will be able to catch pokemon that can learn from level up or breed pokemon, and give them Roost as an egg move.
There are two ways for pokemon to obtain egg moves in Generation 9. Through egg breeding, or by the use of the Mirror Herb item introduced in this generation.
Players can teach Pokemon egg moves by breeding a male Pokemon of one species with a female of a different species. (e.g. a female Espathra, and a male Talonflame)
If the male Pokemon knows a valid egg move at the time of breeding, pokemon eggs from those pokemon will automatically know the move.
The other, and in my opinion easier way for players to approach this issue will be the use of the Mirror Herb.
Players can teach Pokemon egg moves during picnics by using the Mirror Herb held item.
This is a new feature added in Pokemon Scarlet & Violet that lets players teach Pokemon egg moves directly using a Mirror Herb. Here is the step-by-step process:
- Add the Pokemon that needs to learn an egg move to the party
- Equip it with the Mirror Herb held item
- Forget a move on the Pokemon, and leave it with just three known moves
- Add a Pokemon that already knows the desired egg move to the party
- Start a picnic
After following these steps, the empty move slot on the Pokemon will be filled with the egg move.
Pokemon that learn egg moves in this way will not be able to pass the move through breeding later, but they will know the move and be able to use it normally.
And if you want a solid alternative to this game, check out the best starters in Cobblemon.
Scarlet and Violet: List of Pokemon Who Can Learn It
As with any other move, different Pokemon can get Roost in different ways. There are two Pokemon that have this move from the moment you catch them.
Meaning that upon catching them, you can go to the move relearn option, and it will be on the list.
There are 17 Pokémon that can get Roost by leveling up at different levels, and there are 13 Pokémon that can get Roost as an Egg Move. Here is a list of all the pokemon mentioned above.
From the moment you catch them
- Dragonite
- Salamence
By Leveling them Up
- Flamingo
- Dudunsparce
- Wattrel
- Kilowattrel
- Roaring Moon
- Squawkabilly
- Dunsparce
- Wingull
- Pelipper
- Vespiquen
- Fletchling
- Fletchinder
- Talonflame
- Hawlucha
- Noibat
- Noivern
- Oricorio
By Egg Move
- Quaxlu
- Quaxwell
- Quaquaval
- Flittle
- Espathra
- Bombirdier
- Swablu
- Altaria
- Rufflet
- Braviary
- Rookidee
- Corvisquire
- Corviknight
Now you know how to get the Roost move in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, what it does and how useful it is, as well as the full list of Pokemon that can learn this move.
Roost is one of the better support moves in the game because it opens up the option for more of your pokemon to heal themselves in battle. Use it in both PvP and PvE to face the tougher challenges.
For more Pokemon Scarlet and Violet content, check out our guide on all the Pokedex rewards.
Let us know in the comments down below if new Pokemon can learn this move – if they’re not listed above.
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