Ready or Not: How to Get S Rank

S rank is the highest form of achievement in Ready or Not, showcasing you’ve completed a level perfectly, with all the main and side objectives.

However, it requires proper coordination with your team, pre-planning everything, and bringing the right equipment.

If you’re thinking of going all-in, consider checking out our list of the best guns in the game.

In this guide, I will explain how to get an S rank in Ready or Not and showcase everything you need to keep in mind to achieve that.

How to Get an S Rank in Ready or Not

Achieving an S Rank in Ready or Not Gas Station.
Achieving an S Rank in Ready or Not Gas Station.

Getting the prestigious S rank in Ready or Not is no easy process and there are a lot of steps involved.

While the exact objectives vary based on the mission, here are the core principles for getting an S rank.

  • Complete all mission objectives
  • Report all suspects (Don’t kill anyone)
  • Report all civilians
  • Report all dead bodies
  • Disarm all traps
  • Secure all the evidence
  • Avoid injuring any officers

It is important to do everything on this list perfectly to get the S rank. Killing even one suspect or injuring an officer can easily drop your rank to A, even if you did everything else right.

The most important thing to keep in mind is that getting an S rank will require a lot of trial and error.

You will have to play through the mission multiple times and eventually memorize the positions of enemies, civilians, evidence, and everything else.

So, these are the core principles for succeeding in Ready or Not. To make it easier, I also have some useful tips to make sure you’ll complete each of the requirements.

Best Tips for Getting an S Rank in Ready or Not

Use the TAC 700 to avoid killing any suspects in Ready or Not.
Use the TAC 700 to avoid killing any suspects in Ready or Not.

Here are some of the best tips to get that tricky S Rank in each mission.

  1. Go non-lethal – It is essential to not kill anyone in the mission, so I highly recommend using non-lethal weapons and tools, such as the TAC 700 and gas. If you kill even 1 suspect, you won’t get an S rank.
  2. Take your time – Time does not matter for getting an S rank, so you can take as long as you like to make sure everything is done properly.
  3. Pre-plan everything – Before starting the mission, make sure to check where to find the main objectives, as well as any map-specific tips. For instance, check out our guide on how to find all hard drives and the laptop in the Valley of the Dolls mission.

Of course, each map is unique and will require a different approach. However, as long as you follow these tips and are patient enough in the trial-and-error process, you’ll be able to get the S rank.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on how to get an S rank in Ready or Not.

Make sure to follow every tip mentioned in this guide, as missing even one will bring you down to an A+ rank.

If you’re looking to try out a new game, check out our list of the best budget classic games for PC in 2023.

Which mission are you trying to complete with an S rank? What’s the hardest part for you? Let us know in the comments below.


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