How to Fix PS5 Error Code CE-100009-0 (Can’t Install Error / Something Went Wrong)

Recently, a PlayStation 5 error started making the rounds, usually appearing when updating one of your games or when trying to install a new game/pack or anything of sorts.

We’re talking about the PS5 Error Code CE-100009-0, which usually follows the “Can’t Install” text shown under a game’s title when trying to install / update it.

To get straight to the point, in order to fix this error, you have to go to “Manage Game Content” on your PlayStation 5, delete and then re-install the update/game that is causing problems. That’s all!

Most recently, Modern Warfare 2 players were hit by this error message, but it can occur in any other game that involves a digital download. And today, I will tell you how to easily and quickly fix the PlayStation 5 Error Code CE-100009-0.

How to fix Error Code CE-100009-0 on PS5

call of duty warzone 2 error code

This error occurs whenever you are trying to download something on your console: a new game, or a new update or patch.

Players have reported getting this update when trying to install Warzone 2.0, as well as other CoD games as mentioned before. It doesn’t matter much when you get the error message as the fix is the same.

However, it’s not very clear why it is happening, as it usually follows the “Can’t Install” message or a plain “Something went wrong”. If you try to resume the download, you will still get the same message

But fortunately, there are a few things you can try to fix your problem. Here is what you need to do to fix Error Code CE-100009-0:

Manage / remove game content

On your PS5, go to Games and select the game that gives you this error. Then select Manage Game Content.

You will see a list of all the downloads for that game, including the ones that are causing a problem, as in the image below:

error code fix manage game

Then select the content that is causing the error. (If unsure, you will have to delete everything – but NOT the main game itself, just the add-ons):

error code fix delete update

After the content is deleted, it will be listed as “Not installed” on your console. Finally, simply click to re-install the update and once it is re-installed, launch the game.

This is all you need to do to fix this problem! It’s not difficult, but when you are only shown an error message with no further explaining, it’s difficult to guess how to fix it.


So, to sum it up in a few words, if you’re getting the CE-100009-0 error code on your PS5, all you have to do is delete downloaded game content and re-install it again.

You don’t have to remove the entire game, just the affected patch/update or add-on.

I hope you found this helpful. And now that you have some waiting to do until the game files are downloaded again, why not check out 50 things to do in Minecraft when you’re bored? It’s a fun read!

Calin Ciabai

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