Escape From Tarkov: Where to Find USB Flash Drives

Secure Flash Drives have been the nemesis of many players during each wipe, primarily because of how hard they are to find.

Players will need multiple of those to progress with quests and upgrade hideout buildings, and their extremely low spawn chance does not make things easy.

If you’re trying to upgrade your hideout, consider checking out our guide on how to break the newly-added defective wall and unlock the gym. It’s a great way to quickly boost your strength and endurance stats.

In this guide, I will explain where to find USB Flash Drives in Escape From Tarkov and mention where you’ll need them exactly.

Where to Find Secure Flash Drive (USB) in Escape From Tarkov

Finding a USB at the back of the van in Customs in Escape From Tarkov.
Finding a USB at the back of the van in Customs in Escape From Tarkov.

Secure Flash Drives have multiple spawn locations but an extremely low spawn rate. Specifically, Secure Flash Drives can be found in the following item containers.

  • Drawer (0.5% chance)
  • Safe (6.1% chance)
  • Sport Bag (0.4% chance)
  • Dead scav (0.3% chance)
  • Weapon box (0.2% chance)
  • Plastic suitcases (1% chance)
  • Common fund stash (11.1% chance – Shturman’s locked cache)
  • Ground cache (0.4% chance)
  • Buried barrel cache (0.4% chance)
  • Jacket (0.2% chance)

In addition, USBs can be found on the ground in certain static spots.

  • In a tent at the Lumber Mill on Woods
  • Campsite near Dorms on Customs
  • On the bed of Dorm room 110 on Customs
  • Plugged in the front of all lootable PCs

Lastly, completing Jaeger’s quest ‘The Huntsman Path – Evil Watchman’ awards two found-in-raid secure flash drives. For this quest, you will need to eliminate 5 PMCs in the Dorms area in Customs.

Looking for a USB in the tent in Woods in Escape From Tarkov.
Looking for a USB in the tent in Woods in Escape From Tarkov.

As for the best maps to find USB, I highly recommend Reserve since it has many drawers and safes, Customs because it has a bit of everything, and in general, any map that you know the buried stash locations.

Focus on looting every drawer and jacket in your way, since these are most often unlooted. And, if possible, try and learn stash locations on your favorite map (Customs, Woods, Shoreline, Interchange, Streets of Tarkov).

And the most important tip of all: don’t get greedy. USBs have an exceptionally low spawn chance and you’ll need a lot of them. Many players get stuck on the USB quests for a long time.

When you find one, run to the extract regardless of your other loot since it’s important to have the USBs with the found-in-raid status.

Where to Use USB Flash Drives in Escape From Tarkov

Having a found-in-raid USB Flash Drive in the stash in Escape From Tarkov.
Having a found-in-raid USB Flash Drive in the stash in Escape From Tarkov.

First, 2 USB Flash Drives are needed for the early game quest given by Skier ‘What’s on the Flash Drive?’.

Then, players will also need 3 USB Flash Drives for the mid game quest given by Jaeger ‘Shady Business’.

Lastly, 3 USB Flash Drives are needed for upgrading the Intelligence Center to level 2 in the Hideout.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know in terms of where to find USB Flash Drives in Escape From Tarkov.

Despite having many spawn points, their exceptionally low spawn chances make them extremely elusive. Your best bet is spamming drawers or looting multiple safes.

Since we’re mentioning elusive loot, consider checking out our guide on how to find the Sledgehammer, a newly added item required for upgrading the hideout.

Have you found any USB Flash Drives this wipe? What’s your go-to location for USBs? Let us know in the comments below.


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