Darkest Dungeon 2: List of ALL Hero Shrines

Despite Darkest Dungeon 2’s randomly generated world, Hero Shrines always spawn in the same location and are a great way to power up your Heroes.

With 10 heroes and five Shrines for each of them, players can have a hard time finding the ones they need.

In this guide, I will showcase how to find all Hero Shrines for every Hero in Darkest Dungeon 2 to help you gain all the Mastery Points and Skills needed.

As you’re exploring Darkest Dungeon 2, consider also checking out our guide on how to increase Flame, which is essential for overcoming some of the hardest battles.

All Hero Shrines in Darkest Dungeon 2

All hero Shrines in Darkest Dungeon 2.

There are 10 Heroes that can be upgraded in Darkest Dungeon 2 and each of them has five Hero Shrines available. Let’s examine all the Hero Shrines in Darkest Dungeon 2 for each Hero in turn.

All Man at Arms Hero Shrines

A Premature PromotionBellow
A Leader of MenStand Fast
One Eye OpenIn the Trenches
Ghost of the PastCourageous Abandon
In the TenchesCommand and Strategic Withdrawal

All Highwayman Hero Shrines

FreedomPoint Blank Shot
Laying LowOpen Vein
One Last JabHighway Robbery
Highway RobberyGrapeshot Blast
Shackled Double Cross & Double Tap

All Grave Robber Hero Shrines

Luxury’s CapDead of Night
Night CapRepartee
Embarrassment of RichesLunge
Filthy RichShadow Fate
The AfterpartyPirouette & Glint in the Dark

All Jester Hero Shrines

All hero Shrines in Darkest Dungeon 2.
Some Strange MelodyPlay Out
Music of the NightHarvest
Play to the CrowdEchoing March
A Dark SongFinale
FinaleSolo and Encore

All Leper Hero Shrines

Shun Them NotBreak
The PurgeHew
A Beautiful ViewBash and Ruin

All Runaway Hero Shrines

The Pigs of Saint Martha’sRansack
Drawn to the FlameControlled Burn
Burnt OfferingDragonfly
AshesFirestarter & Backdraft

All Occultist Hero Shrines

The RitualVulnerability Hex
A Door in the DesertBinding Shadows
Some Parts Must DieMalediction
The GuestThe Burning Stars
An Eternal FlameAnamnesis & Chaotic Offering

All Plague Doctor Hero Shrines

All hero Shrines in Darkest Dungeon 2.
The Good StudentEmboldening Vapours
Head of the ClassPlague Grenade
Extra CreditIndiscriminate Science
Failing GradeCause of Death
Do No HarmDisorienting Blast & Magnesium Rain

All Hellion Hero Shrines

The Eve of GloryBleed Out
The BraveBloodlust
Night in the WoodsRaucous Revelry
Shame and ExileBreakthrough
The Great EmptinessAdrenaline Rush & Howling End

All Vestal Hero Shrines

Want NotMinistrations
A Momentary LapseMace Bash
No God But MenSanctuary
Divine InterventionConsecration of Light
WrathDivine Comfort & Mantra

Wrapping up

To summarize, these are all the Hero Shrines in Darkest Dungeon 2.

Based on the Hero you’re using, make sure to get these as early as possible as the Mastery Points and the new Skills can be extremely helpful, especially if you’re having a hard time in combat.

Which Heroes are you using? Which ones are the best Hero Shrines overall in your opinion? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re a fan of RPGs, don’t forget to check out our list of the best RPGs with job systems.


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