Contraband Police: How to Return Cargo [Full guide]

Part of your job in Contraband Police is to count and check passing vehicles’ cargo. To make sure everything is good to go, you’ll often need to unpack everything and check them one by one.

If everything is ok, you will need to return the cargo to the vehicle before it can pass through the border.

Thankfully, this process is easy and can be done in one go by talking to Constable Maximov sitting nearby.

In this Contraband Police guide, I will explain how to return cargo to a vehicle and mention some tips to keep in mind while counting and checking cargo.

How to Return Cargo in Contraband Police

Interact with cargo items to unpack them in Contraband Police.
Interact with cargo items to unpack them in Contraband Police.

If a car comes up with a big list of cargo, you will need to unpack it to make sure everything is accounted for.

After checking the cargo, there are two cases: either everything is okay and should be returned to the car, or you’ve found contraband goods and the driver should be arrested.

For the first case, players can return cargo by talking to Constable Maximov. He can be found sitting right next to the cargo area and he’s the only guard there, so you can’t miss him.

With one command, he will return everything to the car and you can then select to approve or decline the driver and conclude the check.

Interact with Constable Maximov to return cargo in Contraband Police.
Interact with Constable Maximov to return cargo in Contraband Police.

For the second option where you find contraband within the cargo, you’ll need to arrest the driver immediately. Then, pick up any contraband you find and talk to Constable Maximov to order him to “Clear inspection zone”.

This will remove everything from the cargo zone as well as the car and you’ll be ready to handle the next car.

But how do you make sure you’ve counted and checked the cargo properly? Let’s see.

How to Count and Check Cargo in Contraband Police

Use your tools to check cargo in Contraband Police.
Use your tools to check cargo in Contraband Police.

To count cargo in Contraband Police, you’ll need to follow these steps:

  1. Unpack the cargo from the back of the car to the cargo area (you can skip this step if there are only 1-2 pieces of cargo)
  2. Equip your notebook (hotkey: C)
  3. Press the left mouse button (LMB) while hovering over each item of cargo.
  4. The items counted will be highlighted in green and written down in your notebook.
  5. Check your notebook and compare it to the driver’s cargo list to see if everything matches.

Keep in mind that if the quantity of a single item is off even by one, you’ll have to deny access on the ground of an inaccurate cargo list.

As for checking cargo, you can use your tools to open everything and check if there are any hidden contraband items. Use the axe for boxes and the knife for everything else.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Contraband Police guide, players can return cargo by interacting with Constable Maximov who is right next to the cargo area.

Just make sure to check everything thoroughly before returning it.

Also, if you find any contraband items and arrest someone, consider checking out our guide on how to transfer prisoners.

What do you think about Contraband Police so far? Are you consistently finding contraband items, or do you have trouble spotting them? Let us know in the comments below.


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