Winter Memories Akari Guide: All Events

Akari has five different events in Winter Memories, and today I am sharing a guide to this character and everything you should know about her events.

These are triggered by reaching various affection levels and talking to Akari in specific locations, and once you know all the requirements, getting through them all will be a breeze. So – let’s get this started!

Akari Introductory Event

Akari Guide in Winter Memories.

The Introductory event is extremely straightforward, as all you have to do is defeat Akari, Shiori, and Kouta in Menko. After defeating the Menko players, you can find her in Park 2 next to the Public Bathroom during dusk.

If you’re having trouble finding Akari at any point, you can locate her by clicking her name in the character menu; this will teleport you to her location.

Just keep in mind that you’ll need to do the same for the first main event.

Winter Memories: Akari Event #1

For the first Akari event in Winter Memories, you must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Affection: 20
  • Level: 5

With these two acquired, talk to Akari and then defeat Akari, Shiori, and Kouta in Menko.

Also read: Winter Memories Mizuki Events Guide

Winter Memories: Akari Event #2

To trigger the second Akari event, you will need the following requirements:

  • Affection: 40

Once you’ve reached affection 40, talk to Akari once before dusk and then talk to her again during dusk. This will trigger the event.

Winter Memories: Akari Event #3

The third Akari event is split into two parts. To start this process, you will need the following:

  • Affection: 60

For the first part, defeat Akari in Menko. Then, you must defeat the three Menko Hunters, who can be found in the following locations:

  1. In front of the Apartments during the morning or afternoon
  2. At the Shrine during dusk
  3. At the Levee during the evening

Once you defeat them, talk to Akari again. She will introduce Hikari and this completes the first part of the event.

For the second part, find Akari near the park restrooms during dusk and talk to her. Then, during the evening, head to the Mountain Trail and find Hikari. Lastly, during the next morning or afternoon, head to the Park and find both Akari and Hikari.

This will trigger a scripted Menko Battle and introduce the new Mentai-kun character in the Mountain Trail cave.

Winter Memories: Akari Event #4

For the fourth event, now that you have unlocked Hikari as a main character, talk to Akakri in the Secret Base. Then, talk to her at dusk, and that’s all!

Winter Memories: Akari Event #5

Akari Guide in Winter Memories.

For the fifth and final Akari event in Winter Memories, you’ll need to reach the following requirements:

  • Affection: 100

Once you do that, talk to Akari, and you’ll trigger the final event.

Related reading: Winter Memories Suzuka Guide

So, as you see, the idea is to just make sure to talk to Akari at the right time in the right place, once you meet the requirements listed above and you’ll get some pretty eventful cutscenes. Enjoy!

If you’re looking for similar content on the other characters, check out our Winter Memories Yui event guide and Rio event guide.

Did you manage to trigger all events easily? Which character have you decided to pursue? Feel free to share your thoughts by commenting below.

Big shoutout to SillyMeause (めあうせ) for their informative guide over at Steam. All credit belongs to their massive effort to help players. If you want to check out their guide, go here to leave them a rating.


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