New World Weapon Tier List [Rise of the Angry Earth Update]

The best weapons in New World including the Rise of the Angry Earth update are ranked in this tier list. With each new update, players want to reach the highest DPS check, and to do that they need to know what their best options are.

There are currently 15 different weapon types in the game, and I will go over in depth the strongest weapon options. Here is a quick overview of the weapon tier list for New World.

TiersWeapon Types
SRapier, Spear, Fire Staff
AGreat Sword, Sword Shield, Great Axe, Bow, Life Staff
BFlail, Musket, Ice Gauntlet, Blunderbuss
CHatchet, Void Gauntlet, Warhammer

Although MMOs make a point to always use the strongest build that exists with any current patch, that doesn’t mean you should feel forced to use any of them.

Play through the game with any build you enjoy using, and don’t worry about the DPS output.

If you want to try out more MMOs like New World, check out our tier list for the Black Desert classes which includes all the updates for 2023.

New World: S-Tier Weapons


Let’s break down the three weapons that currently reside at the top of the DPS output.

Here are the three weapon types included in the S-tier:

  • Rapier
  • Spear
  • Fire Staff

Now let’s go over what makes these weapons so good.

New World: The Rapier


The Rapier highest usage build is the Flourish and Finish build. I will break down the abilities, and skill tree.

This build works around the active skill Flourish and Finish. Flourish and Finish can be used as an execute, as a defensive stagger, or even as a movement option.

When enemies are pushing you, or if they are at low health, you can utilize the first part of the ability. Flourish performs an attack dealing 60% weapon damage, staggering and pushing back enemies.

This will give you room to strategize against any given situation you find yourself against. You can even follow up with Finish.

Finish lunges forward dealing 120% direct weapon damage and consumes all rapier bleeds on any target hit dealing 110% of their damage immediately.

Let’s go over the abilities you will want to use with the Rapier.

  • Flourish and Finish Flourish and Finish – 15s CD: Flourish performs an attack dealing 90% weapon damage, staggering and pushing back enemies. Pressing the light attack at the end of Flourish will perform the follow-up attack, Finish. Finish lunges forward, staggering and dealing 120% direct weapon damage and consumes all rapier bleeds on any target hit dealing 110% of their damage immediately.
  • With Flair With Flair: Gain grit on both Flourish and Finish.
  • Swagger Swagger: Gain 20 stamina when successfully hitting a target with Finish.
  • Fuel Fuel: Each tick of damage from Tondo’s bleed reduces the cooldown of this ability by 3.5%.
  • Bloody End Bloody End: Finish deals 150% of the rapier’s bleed damage instead of only 110%.

Let’s go over the Skill Tree options you will want to use with this build.

  • Refreshing Strikes: Reduce all rapier cooldowns by 1% on any hit. (Max 5 reductions per attack.)
  • Engarde: Deal 10% more damage when your target has greater than 50% health.
  • Unerring: Deal 5% more damage to targets with a rapier bleed.
  • Light Edge: Increase damage from both middle swipe attacks in the light attack chain by 8%.
  • Heavy Puncture: Any heavy attack on a bleeding enemy will extend their rapier bleeds by 2s. (Future stacking applications of this extended bleed will also be extended to its longer duration.)
  • Bloody End: Finish deals 150% of the rapier’s bleed damage instead of only 110%.

With these skill tree options, you will gain valuable cooldown reduction, and damage increases.

This is the build for the S-Tier weapon the Rapier for the New World.

New World: The Spear


This Spear build is powerful both in PvP and PvE. I will break down the abilities, and skill tree.

This build works around the active skill Skewer. Skewer can be used as a high damage ability that also applies a bleed to increase critical hit chance and apply extra damage pressure.

With incredibly strong crowd control effects, a multitude of debuffs that will either increase damage output or provide some other form of utility. It is a high-skill weapon that allows for great fight control.

Let’s go over the abilities you will want to use with the Spear.

  • Skewer – 15s CD: Rush forward and skewer your target, dealing 125% weapon damage and applying bleed. Bleed deals 20% weapon damage every 1s for 10s.
  • Deadly Ambush: Skewer deals 20% increased damage against targets that have full health.
  • Follow Through: Gain empowers if Skewer critical hits, increasing damage by 20% for 10s.
  • Deep Wound: Bleed duration increased to 15s.

Let’s go over the Skill Tree options you will want to use with this build.

  • Precise Jabs: Light attacks have a 5% increased critical chance.
  • Refreshing Jabs: All spear ability cooldowns are reduced by 10% on the second hit of the light attack chain. (Max 1 reduction per attack.)
  • Crippling Jabs: The last hit of the light attack chain applies 30% slow for 3s to targets below 30% health. (Slow reduces the target’s movement speed.)
  • Finishing Blows: Deal 15% increased damage against targets with less than 30% health.
  • Unerring Precision: Deal 20% increased damage against targets with active grit.
  • Aggressive Maneuvers: The first successful hit with an ability within 2s of dodging reduces all spear cooldowns by 20%. (Max 1 reduction per ability use.)
  • Exacerbating Crits: Critical hits extend the duration of your spear debuffs by 20%.
  • Exposed Wounds: Critical chance is increased by 15% when attacking a bleeding target.
  • Exploited Weakness: Deal 10% bonus damage for each debuff on your target. (Max 30%.)

This is the build for the S-Tier weapon the Spear for the New World.

New World: The Fire Staff


The Fire Staff is among the best-ranged DPS options with a huge variety of builds that span across tiers. Here I will go over the build that lands the Fire Staff in the S-Tier.

The Fire Staff excels at dealing burst damage from range and supporting your team through raw damage output.

This build works around the Flamethrower active skill, and even though some players do not take it seriously, it will deal fantastic damage when used properly.

Let’s go over the abilities you will want to use with the Fire Staff.

  • Flamethrower – 5 mana per second, 8s CD: Create a 4m jet of flame from the staff dealing 50% weapon damage every second. Each hit inflicts a stack of smolders, dealing 5% weapon damage each second for 6s. (Max 5 stacks.)
  • Fire’s Reach: Increase the range of the Flamethrower by 50%.
  • Infernal Flames: Increase the base damage of the Flamethrower by 25%.
  • Pyro Dancer: Flamethrower has no cooldown when canceled. While Flamethrower is active, being staggered will activate a 2.5s cooldown.

Let’s go over the Skill Tree options you will want to use with this build.

  • Pyromania: All attacks deal 10% increased damage against targets with burn or smolder.
  • Heat Up: Dodging through an enemy melee attack inflicts a stack of smolders on foes, dealing 5% weapon damage each second for 6s. (Max 5 stacks. 1s Cooldown.).
  • Let it Burn: Whenever a fire staff smolder effect deals damage, gain 10% fortify for 2s. (Fortify increases armor)
  • Kindle: Applied smolder effects last 20% longer.
  • Watch it Burn: Critical hits with fire staff abilities inflict a stack of smolders, dealing 5% weapon damage each second for 6s. (Max 5 stacks.)
  • Extended Suffering: Successful ranged basic attacks increase the duration of non-crowd control debuffs you have applied by 10%.
  • Trial by Fire: When hitting a target within 4m of the player, create a field of fire around you dealing 20% weapon damage to all to nearby enemies in a 4m radius for 5s. (Cooldown 30s.)
  • Combat Speed: When you activate a fire staff ability gain 10% haste for 5s. (Haste increases movement speed.) (Cooldown 10s.)
  • Backdraft: Hitting a target that is inflicted with 5 stacks of smolder with a heavy attack will consume all of the stacks on the target. Upon consumption, an explosion will be triggered, dealing 100% weapon damage to all targets in a 2m radius of the target. (10s Cooldown.)

You will also want to use the Reinforced Starmetal Fire Staff Charm, which has the Accelerating Flamethrower effect.

  • Accelerating Flamethrower: Using Flamethrower against a target with 4 stacks of smolder grants Haste (increasing movement speed by 20% for 2s). Burn from Flamethrower lasts 15% longer.

This is the build for the S-Tier weapon the Fire Staff for the New World.

Final Thoughts

New World offers a variety of ways to build weapons and offers even more complexity when it comes to skills trees, and abilities.

If you want to see what more games like New World have to offer, check out our list of the best games like Undawn on PC/Console. You may find a game that fits your MMO needs.

With the New World weapon tier list that includes the Rise of the Angry Earth update, you will be able to get into the game. Share your thoughts in the comments down below if you think that there is a weapon that fits your own idea of S-Tier.


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