Fae Farm: How to Get Copper Ore

Are you looking to find the first major ore of the game and start exploring the mines? Let’s examine how to get copper ore in Fae Farm.

To find it, you’ll need to explore the first floors of the saltwater mines, which are located on the bottom right corner of the map, near the beach.

In this guide, I will explain how to get copper ore in Fae Farm and showcase how to use it since you have various options available.

Before moving on, consider also checking out our guide on the best crops to plant in Fae Farm. This way, you’ll be able to set up your farm before going mining.

How to Get Copper Ore in Fae Farm

How to get copper ore in Fae Farm.

To get copper ore in Fae Farm, navigate to the saltwater mines in the bottom right of the map and you’ll be able to find it on floors 2-15.

Specifically, the best location to get copper ore is floors 7-10, as they have a very high spawn chance for copper.

Before floor 7, you’ll get only a few copper ores per floor while after floor 10, you’ll start getting a mix of copper and iron. If you want to get both iron and copper, floors 11-15 are your best bet.

Thankfully, copper is easy to spot due to its bright orange/amber color.

During your first trip in the mines, I would recommend farming at least enough copper to upgrade your pickaxe. With a copper pickaxe, you’ll be able to mine copper faster and progress in the mines.

Keep in mind that most floors in the mines will be full of hostile creatures, so make sure to have your staff ready and be prepared for combat.

If you’re feeling unsafe, bringing health potions and food will be helpful, as you’ll never have to worry about dying or running out of energy.

How to Use Copper Ore in Fae Farm

How to get and use copper ore in Fae Farm.

Copper is a key early game resource as it has various essential uses in Fae Farm.

Specifically, you can use copper ore to craft seals that will help you progress in the mines. Alternatively, you can convert it to copper ingots, which are used to upgrade tools, construct crafting stations, or for various item recipes.

If you find yourself having too much spare copper, you can always sell it as it fetches a solid price, especially when crafted into ingots.

Wrapping up

To sum up, you can get copper ore in Fae Farm by exploring floors 2-15 in the saltwater mines, and the best floors to farm it are 7-10.

Then, you can use copper ore to upgrade tools, craft seals and other key items, or sell it to make some extra money.

Did you manage to find enough copper ore? Did you have any trouble dealing with the enemies there? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now that you’re done with copper, check out our guide on how to get iron ore in Fae Farm, the next essential resource that you should farm.


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