Starfield: Best Traits to Pick

Are you looking to create the best and strongest character in the game? Let’s go through the best starting traits to pick in Starfield.

Choosing the right traits is an important choice as all of them have pros and cons and there’s no way to change them later on.

In this guide, I will list the best traits to pick in Starfield during character creation and explain what makes them stand out.

To fully optimize your character, combine this with our guide on the best character background in Starfield and you’ll have the most effective early-game character.

Best Traits to Pick in Starfield

Best traits in Starfield.

There are 17 traits in Starfield that you can choose when starting out and each comes with certain pros and cons. Some manage to stand out due to better pros or overall fewer (or none at all) cons.

Without further delay, here are the five best traits to pick in Starfield that will help you in the early game:


Best traits in Starfield - Extrovert trait.

While adventuring with other human companions, the Extrovert trait will make you use less oxygen. This is an amazing buff as long as you make sure to have another human traveling with you.

The setback to this perk is that you’ll use more oxygen if you’re traveling with a human.

However, if you’re planning to travel without human companions, try out the Introvert perk, which has the exact opposite effects of Extrovert (less oxygen consumed when traveling alone/more oxygen consumed when traveling with others).

Raised Enlightened/Raised Universal

Best traits in Starfield - Raised Enlightened and Raised Universal traits.

Raised Enlightened and Raised Universal are two traits that tie you to one of the main religions of the game. Thus, you can only choose one of them.

Each will grant you a chest full of useful items for free and there’s no reason to decline free stuff. Especially since these are two of the few traits in Starfield that have no drawbacks.


Best traits in Starfield - Empath trait.

Empath, as its name suggests, makes you an empathetic person and the trait stands out when being altruistic. Specifically, Empath is one of the best traits in Starfield since, when you make choices that others like, you’ll get a combat bonus.

However, if you make choices they don’t like, you’ll get a combat demerit.

This starting trait is ideal if you’re planning to play nice and make the altruistic choices that others will like.

Hero Worshipped

Best traits in Starfield - Hero Worshipped trait.

Hero Worshipped allows you to start the game with an Adoring Fan by your side, a person/assistant who appears once you reach New Atlantis and can be assigned to your outpost or help you out with other small tasks.

The setback is simply that he can become quite annoying at times but that’s a small price to pay to get a free assistant.

Dream Home

Best traits in Starfield - Dream Home trait.

Dream Home allows you to start the game by owning a luxurious and customizable house. The setback is that you need to pay off a 125,000 credit mortgage in weekly payments.

Overall, having a house adds a new fun twist to the game and it’s definitely worth the price. You can make the 125,000 credits fairly early in the game without trouble.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, the best character traits in Starfield are Extrovert, Raised Enlightened/Raised Universal, Empath, Hero Worshipped, and Dream Home.

Of course, you’re free to choose any perk that fits with your playstyle as long as you keep an eye out for its drawbacks and make sure they don’t affect you much.

Which traits did you go for? What do you think of the recommended traits? Feel free to share your favorite starting character builds in the comments below.

Before leaving, combine this with our guide on the five best ships to get in Starfield and you’ll have everything you need to thrive.


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