Home Sweet Home: Online –  All Items & How to Use Them

Home Sweet Home: Online includes a wide variety of items that are helpful in sabotaging the Warden or supporting and healing yourself and your teammates.

However, it’s important to know what each item does before getting in a game as you won’t have enough time to read their descriptions once you’re getting chased.

In this guide, I will list all items in Home Sweet Home: Online and explain their effects to help you use them properly.

Also, before jumping in a game, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to revive teammates in Home Sweet Home: Online.

All Visitor Items in Home Sweet Home Online and How to Use Them

Home Sweet Home Online - All Items and how to use them - chaplet.

When in a game, players playing as Visitors will be able to find various items either on the ground or by opening chests.

Based on that, here are all the items and their effects fin HSHO:

ChapletDeals 40 Damage to the Warden.
Holy RattanDeals 10 Damage to the Warden and stuns them for 1.5 seconds.
Holy RiceDeals 5 Damage to the Warden and silences them for 5 seconds.
Holy WaterDeals 15 Damage to the Warden and reduces their vision for 3 seconds.
Sigil ScrollCreates a wall that can’t be crossed by Wardens for 3 seconds.
Nail of SangkawanornRitual Item – Used to start a ritual.
IncenseRitual Item – Used after the Nail of Sangkawanorn.
Energy DrinkRestores 80 Stamina and increases movement speed by 50 for two seconds.
Health PotionRecovers HP.

One important thing to note is that damage-dealing items such as the Chaplet are useless during the early game. For each Ritual completed (maximum three), the Warden will become weaker.

Home Sweet Home Online - All Items and how to use them - searching a box for items.

You should use the Chaplet and try to kill the Warden only once all three rituals are completed, otherwise, it will have almost no effect.

The other items can be used before any ritual is completed but only because of their secondary effects.

Another useful tip is to use the Energy Drink once your Stamina has run out completely as it will fully restore it. This will make it significantly easier to avoid the Warden.

This makes the Energy Drink the best item in Home Sweet Home Online as it allows you to create a solid distance from the Warden.

Nevertheless, all items are useful if used properly and can help you earn some much-needed distance from the Warden.

Wrapping up

To summarize, these are the items in Home Sweet Home Online and their item descriptions. Avoid using damage-dealing items before the rituals are completed unless you want to utilize their secondary effects.

I recommend picking up an Energy Drink or a Health Potion as they’ll always be useful, especially in the early game.

What’s your go-to item? Do you agree that the Energy Drink is the best item so far? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

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