Street Fighter 6: How to Change Master Assist

In Street Fighter 6 World Tour during your travel, you’ll meet legendary fighters who will take you under their wing and teach you their style and attacks. You can also learn your master’s actions from these legends which will allow you to explore even further.

In this guide, I will showcase how to change Master Assist, and what you need to do before being able to do so.

The best way to increase your bond level with all Masters you find, along with the ability to change who assists you, you will need to shower them with gifts you purchase.

Don’t worry, because if you find yourself short on cash there are other ways to increase the bond level.

If you want to try out a multiplayer game with others, check out our guide on the full characters list, in Friends vs Friends.

Street Fighter 6: Increasing Your Bond Level With The Masters


Each Master has a Bond level that can reach up to Level 100. While increasing their Bond Level, you will get rewarded with their Outfit 2, Artwork, and you will also get to know them even better. Lastly, you will be able to unlock Outfits and Colors to change things up.

Complete your Masters Quest

Your Masters from time to time will give you certain quests, that will reward you with Style EXP. Each mission like this will reward you with 10 Bond points toward the corresponding Master.

Have Conversations with your Masters

Once you get to know more about your Masters, the more you will be able to strengthen your Bonds with them even more. Make sure you pick the right dialogue options though.

Give Gifts to Your Masters

MasterFavorite GiftPurchase
BlankaKnock-off Blanka-chan DollBathers Beach
Cammy Jellied EelBathers Beach
Chun-LiCanned HerringOld Nayshall Commerce Plaza
DhalsimInstant CurryOld Nayshall Commerce Plaza
Dee JayLukewarm BeerRanger’s Hut
E. HondaRubber DuckiesColosseo
GuileNattoGenbu Temple
JaimeBao Bao Bro StickerBathers Beach
JPAntique Playing CardsBathers Beach
JuriWrenchDhalsimer Temple
KenCookbookThunderfoot Settlement
KimberlyThe Answer Lies in the Heart of LoveBathers Beach
LilyCelery ChipsBathers Beach
LukeRed Elevator 8Bathers Beach
ManonBeaujolaisBathers Beach
MarisaCold Tomato SoupFéte Foraine
RyuInstant SobaMetro City Urban Park
ZangiefWooden BearBarmaley Steelworks

Spar with your Master

While progressing through the World Tour, you will gain Style EXP. As you progress your Master will want to have a fight with you one on one. If you manage to take them on and beat them, you will increase your Bond with them.

Street Fighter 6: Changing Masters


The Master Assist feature is one of the most helpful in the Street Fighter 6 World Tour.

Unfortunately, there is no way to manually select which Master assists you along the way. The more you increase your Bond Level with your favorite Master, the closer you are to having them assist you.

Once your wanted Master reaches a Bond Level higher than your current Master you will switch from that one to the other.

Final Thoughts

The game offers a variety of characters that assist you in the World Tour, and picking the right one for you is a major decision. The more you get to know the different Masters and the more you see which fitting style fits you best, will make the decision much easier.

Both veterans and newcomers to the Street Fighter series will really enjoy getting to know more, and more about the characters you have seen along your journey.

If you want to play games with friends, check out our list of the best 4-player games on the Nintendo Switch.

Now that you know everything you need to know about how to change Master Assist in Street Fighter 6, let us all know in the comments down below who is your favorite Master. Which Master do you think beginners should use, and which one is your favorite so far?


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