The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – How to Use the Zonai Capsule Machine

Zonai Capsule Machines are the main way to use any Zonai Charges in your inventory as they allow you to exchange them for various consumable items.

These machines can be found around the world and require you to hold and put in up to five Zonai Charges in exchange for items like Flame Emitters.

In this guide, I will explain where to find Zonai Capsule Machines in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom and showcase how to use them.

If you’re looking for a strong armor set, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to get the Ember Shirt in Zelda.

Where to Find the Zonai Capsule Machine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

Where to find the Zonai Capsule Dispenser in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

If you’re wondering where to find Zonai Capsule Machines or what to do with the Zonai Charges you’ve gathered in your inventory, you’ve come to the right place.

Zonai Capsule Machines can be found all around the open world in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom. Specifically, there are 18 of them and each Device Dispenser offers different drops.

To find them all, check out the interactive map, select Hide All from the left sidebar, and then enable Device Dispenser from the Services tab.

After using a Device Dispenser once, it will show up on your map and also showcase a list of all the items it can drop.

There, you can use any Zonai Charges you’ve found.

How to Use the Zonai Capsule Machine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom

How to use the Zonai Capsule Dispenser in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

The Zonai Capsule Machines are a great way for using your Zonai Charges and getting various random item drops. Here’s how to use the Zonai Capsule Machine in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom:

  1. Open your inventory and find the Zonai Charges in the Materials Tab
  2. Select them, choose “Hold”, and hold five of them in your arms.
  3. While standing next to the Zonai Capsule Machine, select “Put in”.
  4. Wait for your rewards.

As for what rewards to expect, here are all the possible items that you can get from the Zonai Capsule Machine:

  • Fan
  • Portable Pot
  • Flame Emitter
  • Shock Emitter
  • Beam Emitter
  • Steering Stick
  • Wheel
  • Baloon
  • Mirror
  • Rocket
  • Battery
  • Light
  • Wings
  • Stabilizer
  • Cart
  • Homing Cart
  • Hydrant
  • Stake
  • Hover Stone
  • Time Tomb
  • Cannon
  • Spring
  • Zonai Construct Head

Keep in mind that not every item can be obtained by the same machine. Instead, you’ll need to keep exploring and try using your Zonai Charges in each machine you find to see what kind of items they drop.

As long as you use one Zonai Charge, you’ll be able to see from your map all items that each specific machine can drop.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know on how to use the Zonai Capsule Machines in Zelda Tears of the Kingdom.

Unlock all the devices showcased on the map and use your Zonai Charges to get the items you’re looking for.

Are you trying to craft something specific and need certain items? Or do you simply want to spend your Zonai Charges? Let us know in the comments below.

If you enjoy Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, check out our list of the best open-world games for PS5.


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