Pokémon Scarlet and Violet: Raid Power Sandwich Recipes (All Pokémon Types)

You need a Raid Power sandwich in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet if you want to get more and better rewards when completing Tera Raids in the game.

Today, I am here to share with you all the raid power sandwich recipes in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet, so you can be fully prepared before battle.

If you don’t know what Raid Power is in the game, make sure to read the part after the recipes, as I’ll go more in depth with that also.

But you are here to get yourself some recipes, so let’s just do that first.

All Pokemon Scarlet and Violet Raid Power Sandwich Recipes

water raid power sushi

There are 15 different types of Raid Power sandwiches that you can craft in the game, one for each type of Pokemon that you’re going to battle. They’re not easy to make, but are definitely worth the trouble!

Scarlet & Violet: Bug Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Bug-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Butter, 1x Ham, 1x Salty Herba Mystica.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Bug type Pokemon.

Since winning is not guaranteed and you MUST win first in order to get the rewards, make sure to also check the articles where we share the best Pokemon for 5-star Tera Raids, as well as the best Pokemon for 6-star Tera Raids.

Scarlet & Violet: Dark Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Dark-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Ketchup, 1x Mayonnaise, 1x Horseradish, 1x Potato Salad, 1x Fried Filletx, 1x Lettuce.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Dark type Pokemon. It’s also fairly easy to make, since it doesn’t require any Herba Mystica.

Speaking of which, check out my previous article on how to make a Dark Type Shiny Sandwich in the game.

Scarlet & Violet: Dragon Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Dragon-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Hamburger, 1x Horseradish, 1x Onion, 1x Pepper, 1x Vinegar, 1x Watercress and 1x Sweet Herba Mystica.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Dragon type Pokemon.

If you want to boost your chances of meeting shiny Dragon Pokemon, check out the sandwich recipe here.

Scarlet & Violet: Electric Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Electric-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Avocado, 1x Basil, 1x Cheese, 1x Cream Cheese, 1x Salt and 1x Pepper.

This sandwich (another that doesn’t require Herba Mystica) will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Electric type Pokemon.

If you still struggle with mastering Tera Raids in the game, read our guides on how to easily win 5-star Tera Raids, as well as how to win 6-star Tera Raids in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

Scarlet & Violet: Fairy Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Fairy-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Bacon, 1x Basil, 1x Lettuce, 1x Mayonnaise, 1x Mustard and 1x Tomato.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Fairy type Pokemon. If you want to focus on the Shiny ones instead, read my article detailing the recipe for the Fairy Type Shiny Sandwich.

Scarlet & Violet: Fighting Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Fighting-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Herbed Sausage, 1x Ketchup and Mustard.

This is one of the easiest to make and it will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Fighting type Pokemon.

Scarlet & Violet: Fire Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Fire-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Basil, 1x Chorizo, 1x Green Bell Pepper, 1x Jalapeno, 1x Ketchup, 1x Mustard, 1x Onion, and 1x Pepper.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Fire type Pokemon.

Make sure to read my other article if you are also interested in a Fire type shiny sandwich recipe?

Scarlet & Violet: Flying Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Flying-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Apple, 1x Banana, 1x Butter, 1x Cheese, and 1x Whipped Cream.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Flying type Pokemon.

Scarlet & Violet: Ghost Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Ghost-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Herbed Sausage, 1x Ketchup, 1x Lettuce, and 1x Mustard.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Ghost type Pokemon.

If you want to increase your chances of scoring a Shiny Ghost type Pokemon, make sure to check out this article to get some help.

Scarlet & Violet: Ground Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Ground-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Herbed Sausage, and 1x Ketchup.

This is probably the easiest one to make. It will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Ground type Pokemon.

Scarlet & Violet: Normal Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Normal-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Banana, 1x Peanut Butter, 1x Butter, and 1x Jam.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Normal type Pokemon.

Scarlet & Violet: Psychic Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Psychic-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Basil, 1x Pepper, 1x Red Onion, 1x Salt, 1x Smoked Fillet, 1x Vinegar, and 1x Watercress.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Psychic type Pokemon.

Scarlet & Violet: Rock Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Rock-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Butter, 1x Cheese, and 1x Marmalade.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Rock type Pokemon.

Scarlet & Violet: Steel Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Steel-type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Avocado, 1x Cheese, 1x Cream Cheese, 1x Pepper, and 1x Salt.

This sandwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Steel type Pokemon.

If you need some extra help, read this guide sharing the best support moves for Tera Raids.

Scarlet & Violet: Water Type Raid Power Sandwich Recipe

In order to make the Water -type Raid Power sandwich, you need to mix the following ingredients at a Picnic Table: 1x Avocado, 1x Basil, 1x Cheese, 1x Cream Cheese, 1x Pepper, 1x Salt, and 1x Salty Herba Mystica.

This sa ndwich will boost the amount and quality of rewards you get from Tera Raid battles against Water type Pokemon.

If you like this type of Pokemon and want to catch the rarest in the game, read my article about the Water Type Shiny Boosting Sandwich.

What do the Raid Power Sandwiches do in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet?

pokemon scarlet violet sandwich recipes

Despite what their name suggests, Raid Power Sandwiches will boost drop rates and the quality of the drops in Tera Raid battles in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet.

You have a different type of Raid Power boosting sandwich for each type of Tera Raid battle / Pokemon type, so a bit of planning is required before battle.

However, I highly recommend you to consume such a sandwich before a battle, because it’s really worth boosting those rare rewards to the maximum, especially those rare Herba Mystica drops.

Note: Some of these sandwiches can be bought directly from stores, so if you have enough money, this can be an option as well!


You now have all the recipes for boosting all the types of Raid Power in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet. The best part? Many of them don’t require herba mystica, so they’re pretty easy to make.

So make sure to have these in mind and always prepare such a sandwich in the game before going for a Tera Raid battle in order to boost your rewards and make your life a lot easier in the game.

Have you got any extra recipes/ways to prepare any of the sandwiches above? Let us all know by sharing your comments below.

Calin Ciabai

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