Star Ocean The Divine Force Creation Guide

Item creation, also known as item crafting, is an essential part of Star Ocean The Divine Force. It allows players to create strong weapons and armor, upgrade their current equipment, and craft unique items that will help in their adventures.

However, it’s not clear how to unlock item creation, or how to be efficient with it.

Also, before focusing on item creation, make sure you’re aware of all the pros and cons of choosing each of the main characters in the game. There are differences in the story and in the unlockable features based on whether you chose Laeticia or Raymond.

In this guide, I will explain how to unlock item creation in Star Ocean the Divine Force and mention everything you need to know about it to become a master crafter.

How to Unlock Item Creation/Crafting

To unlock item creation in Star Ocean The Divine Force, players need to progress through the main story. When they reach the port of Rythal and while exploring around, a cutscene will play where Welch will show up and drop a ring, which the player will pick up.

Welch’s house in Delryk in Star Ocean The Divine Force.

After that, travel back to Delryk and visit Welch’s house. Give her the ring and you’ll unlock a series of quests. Each quest unlocks one of the crafting skills.

All Item Creation Options

There are 7 different item creation options in Star Ocean The Divine Force, with each of them allowing players to craft different types of items.

All item creation options in Star Ocean The Divine Force.

Here are all the crafting options available in the game.

  • Compounding (restorative items)
  • Crafting (clothing, accessories, weapons)
  • Smithery (weapon and armor)
  • Engineering (weapons and bombs)
  • Alchemy (improve ores)
  • Authoring (books and blueprints)
  • Synthesis (synthesize factors between weapons – late game skill)

Keep in mind that not each character can master every crafting skill. In addition, some have unique talents that allow them to excel in specific skills.

Use Specific Characters For Each Skill

It’s essential to complete each type of crafting with specific characters. Certain characters have buffs and talents in specific crafting options.

For instance, Raymond’s talent ‘Unbending Will’ allows him to be more efficient while smithing. Instead, Laeticia’s ‘Nimble Fingers’ talent improves her crafting skill.

Raymond in Star Ocean The Divine Force.

If you craft with a character that doesn’t have a buff, you are wasting resources, many of which are finite and nonrefundable

For instance, materials like Dark Matter or Moonstone are extremely valuable and should be used only by characters with high item crafting skills and various talents to buff that skill.

It is essential to always keep an eye on each character’s talents and assign them to a crafting skill that suits these talents.

Level Up Crafting Skills

Now that you’ve decided which character to use for each crafting section, it’s time to level up that character’s crafting skill.

From the character menu, go to the Party tab, and then select I.C. Skill (Item Crafting Skill). From there, select the skill the character specializes in (e.g. Smithery for Raymond).

This will allow you to craft significantly strong weapons even early in the game.


To sum up, this is everything you need to know about item creation/crafting in Star Ocean The Divine Force.

While item creation is a tricky mechanic with many small details that are easy to mess up, it’s an extremely useful tool if players can use it properly.

Focus on one specific skill with each character, craft with characters that have useful talents for that skill, and use each resource wisely since everything is limited.

Also, now that you’ve understood how item creation works in the game, consider checking out our guide on how to unlock the character JJ, who also offers some unique crafting bonuses.

What do you think about item creation in Star Ocean The Divine Force? Which skill will you focus on first? Let us know in the comments below.


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