Yes, You Can Still Play CSGO after CS2: Here Is How

If you can’t run CS2 or simply don’t want to play it, here’s how to still play CSGO after Counter-Strike 2 even if it’s not in your library.

This can be done by selecting CS:GO from the Properties tab of CS2 and choosing the csgo_demo_viewer option. However, in CS:GO, you will only be able to access workshop and community maps, not official servers.

In this guide, I will explain step-by-step how to play CSGO after CS2 and help you access your favorite workshop maps again.

However, if you want to play competitively, you’ll need to stay on CS2 as you need to be on official servers. For more details, check out how to unlock competitive mode in Counter-Strike 2.

How to Play CS:GO after CS2

How to play CSGO after CS2.

To play CS:GO after the release of CS2, follow these steps:

  1. Right-click on CS2 from your game library.
  2. Select ‘Properties’ and navigate to the ‘Betas’ tab.
  3. In the top ‘Beta Participation’ option, change ‘None’ to ‘csgo_demo_viewer’ followed by various numbers.
  4. Wait for the game to update which will start automatically and launch it.
  5. Once you select ‘Play’, choose the ‘Play Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (Demo Viewer, 2023)’ option.

And that’s all. Now, CS:GO will be launched and you’ll be able to play it again.

If you’re having issues accessing the game, check out our guide on how to fix the VAC verification issue in CS2.

However, you will see a yellow notification on top ‘Your client needs to update’. This won’t go away while you’re on CS:GO as it’s Valve’s way of saying that there are no official servers in the game.

Therefore, while you can play CS:GO, there are certain limitations.

CS:GO Limitations – Which Game Modes Can You Play?

How to play CSGO after CS2.

In terms of limitations, you will be unable to access any official matchmaking servers in CS:GO.

You can’t queue up in casual, competitive, deathmatch, or any other official matchmaking playlists through this client; these can only be accessed from the CS2 client.

However, you can access any previously saved Workshop maps. To do that, select Play from the left menu and open the ‘Official Matchmaking’ option on the top. Change it to ‘Workshop Maps’ or ‘Community Server Browser’ and you’ll be able to play CS:GO in these maps.

On top of that, if you want the competitive experience, you can also still play CS:GO Faceit.

For any other game mode, you’ll need to switch back to CS2. This is done by navigating to the Betas tab again and changing the ‘Beta Participation’ back to ‘None’.

Wrapping up

In conclusion, you can still play CSGO after CS2 by navigating to CS2’s properties, then Betas, and selecting the csgo option from the available beta versions.

However, you will only be able to access workshop and community maps from CS:GO and won’t be able to queue for any official matchmaking maps.

Why do you want to go back to CS:GO? Memories, workshop maps, or are you simply not a fan of CS2? Don’t hesitate to share your thoughts in the comments below.

If you’re back on Counter-Strike 2, consider also checking out our guide on how to unlock cases and keys in CS2.


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