Wylde Flowers: How to Get Shovel & Fishing Rod

The shovel and fishing rod tools are not obtained through the main storyline and players can easily miss them.

They are essential tools that allow players to farm new materials needed for quests, upgrades, or simply for selling.

In this guide, I will explain to get the shovel and the fishing rod in Wylde Flowers, as well as how and where to use them.

How to Get the Shovel in Wylde Flowers

To get the shovel, players first need to unlock The Mines. From there, they can mine iron ore and other resources.

Unlocking the Shovel requires smelting iron ore into iron ingots through the blacksmith and then crafting the iron shovel.

How to craft the shovel in Wylde Flowers.

Specifically, the shovel costs the following materials to make:

  • 150 coins
  • 20 Iron Ingots
  • 5 Wood

It may sound like a lot but iron is easy to gather early on when players start progressing in the mines. If you haven’t unlocked the mines yet, consider checking out our guide on how to unlock them and find iron ore.

As for coins, selling crops is always a solid strategy to make some bank. Lastly, wood can easily be found on the ground.

How to Get the Fishing Rod in Wylde Flowers

The fishing rod is also unlocked early in the game, through one of the side quests.

Specifically, players will need to begin Bruno Soft’s sidequest. This is done by talking to him at any time and the easiest way to find him is by visiting his shop in the main square.

Keep in mind that Bruno’s shop is open on the following days:

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday-Thursday: 11am-5pm
  • Friday: Closed
  • Saturday: 11am-5pm
  • Sunday: Closed

After talking to him, Bruno will give players the quest ‘Lure One In’. To complete the quest, he will also equip players with the Fishing Rod and 3 worm bait.

Bruno gives the Lure One In quest and gives players the fishing rod.

Completing the quest is fairly easy since it only requires catching any 3 fish. After that, hand them over to Bruno for the next quest and a solid reward.

Using the Shovel & Fishing Rod

As for using these tools, things are straightforward. The shovel’s primary use is within the mines where players can dig for clay in rubble piles.

Similar to using the pickaxe, simply stand near a clay pile and dig. Clay will be needed later in the game, for certain upgrades.

Clay piles in the mines in Wylde Flowers.

As for the fishing rod, its main uses involve catching fish either for quests or simply to sell for money.

Many quests will require players to catch certain fish, like squid and seabass. In addition, some of the rarer fish can be sold to Bruno for coins.

To fish, players need to find a fishing hotspot and start fishing. Wait until the fish you’re interested in bites, and then pull. And that’s all. No minigame or anything, you’ve just caught it.


Now you know how to get the shovel and fishing rod in Wylde Flowers. The shovel is bought from the blacksmith for iron ore, while the fishing is given by Bruno at the beginning of his quest.

If you’re just getting started in Wylde Flowers, consider checking out our guide on how to meet all villagers and complete the initiation quest.

What do you think about fishing in Wylde Flowers? Should there have been a minigame, or it’s better the way it is now? Let us know in the comments below.


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