Valheim Mistlands: How to Get Anglerfish

The Anglerfish is a new fish introduced with the Mistlands update.

Its main use, other than the achievement of catching something exceptionally rare, is to make one of the best foods in Valheim: Fish n’ Bread.

However, getting an Anglerfish is far from easy and the process will test your fishing skills and patience.

In this guide, I will explain everything you need to know on how to get an anglerfish in Valheim Mistlands.

How to Get Anglerfish in Valheim Mistlands

Explore the Mistlands biome in Valheim to find a pond and fish there with Misty Fishing Bait.
Explore the Mistlands biome in Valheim to find a pond and fish there with Misty Fishing Bait.

Getting an anglerfish requires following specific steps. First, players can only catch an anglerfish while fishing in the Mistlands biome.

Then, players will also need a fishing rod and multiple Misty Fishing Baits.

The hardest part, as you can probably guess, is getting the Misty Fishing Bait. Let’s examine how to get it.

How to Get Misty Fishing Bait in Valheim Mistlands

Fish in various biomes to get the necessary bait before crafting Misty Fishing Bait.
Fish in various biomes to get the necessary bait before crafting Misty Fishing Bait.

The Misty Fishing Bait can be crafted at a Cauldron and requires 1x Lox Trophy gained by defeating Lox at the Plains biome, and 1x Grouper caught by fishing in the Plains biome while using a Stingy Fishing Bait.

The Stingy Fishing bait requires 1x Fuling Trophy gained by defeating Fulings at the Plains biome, and 1x Giant Herring caught by fishing in the Swamp biome with a Sticky Fishing Bait.

The Sticky Fishing Bait requires 1x Abomination trophy gained by defeating abominations in the Swamp biome, and 1x Trollfish, gained by fishing in the Black Forest with a Mossy Bait.

The Mossy Bait requires 1x Troll Trophy, gained by defeating trolls at the Black Forest biome, and 1x Perch caught by fishing with regular bait.

And that’s it! You’ll need to fish in almost every biome before being able to get your Misty Fishing Bait. Thankfully, you only need to do this once, since each bait recipe gives you 40 baits per craft.

Where to Use Anglerfish in Valheim Mistlands

Use a level 5 Cauldron to cook Fish n' Bread with your newly-caught Anglerfish.
Use a level 5 Cauldron to cook Fish n’ Bread with your newly-caught Anglerfish.

After going through all the previous steps, you’ve finally managed to get your hands on the elusive Anglerfish. But what do you do with it?

Considering all the trouble it took, the first answer would be to display it as a trophy. It’s a huge achievement after all.

If you’re more of a practical player instead, you can use it to cook Fish n’ Bread, the best stamina food in the game.

At a level 5 cauldron, combine 2x Bread Dough and 1x Anglerfish to prepare an Uncooked Fish n’ Bread. Then, place it in an oven and you’ll get Fish n’ Bread.

This food will award you with 30 max HP, 90 stamina, and 3 HP per tick while lasting for 30 minutes.


To sum up, that’s everything you need to know about how to get anglerfish in Valheim Mistlands. It requires a huge investment into fishing but once you get the ball rolling it’s definitely manageable.

Especially since each bait recipe provides 40 baits.

Now that you’ve learned how to get the rarest fish in the game, consider checking out our guide on the best weapons introduced in the Mistlands update. The addition of magic is a unique feature that spices up Valheim’s gameplay.

Are you going to try and get an anglerfish? Are you going to display it, or use it for food? Let us know in the comments below.


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