Tribes Of Midgard: Best Blessings in the Game

Blessings in Tribes of Midgard gives you an amazing opportunity to combine the strongest abilities of various classes and form an absolute monster by yourself!

There are 90 different Blessings in the game present in an unlock-to-progress tree format; however, you’ll only be able to choose 50 of those at the cost of Blessing points.

With so many options in hand, it can be so confusing to decide on those Blessings, right?

So, which blessings should you get for yourself? What are the best blessings in Tribes of Midgard? Read on to find out!

Best Blessings in Tribes of Midgard

The Blessings that you should opt for in the game must be in terms with the role you like to play and your weapon of choice. Certain blessings will complement your role better than others and will help to counter enemies, accordingly.

Furthermore, whether you’re playing alone or with your friends also plays a part in the optimal blessings to obtain.

Tribes of Midgard blessings pic

The blessings in the top rows are for specific weapons and Elemental damage and should be chosen according to your requirements.

Apart from these, there are still blessings that I think are must-haves in the Tribes of Midgard. Let’s see what they are!

Bountiful Grasp

I’ll be starting with one of the most useful blessings for players who are playing singleplayer, but can also be handy in multiplayer.

Bountiful Grasp racks up the amount of resources you have and increases the amount of ingredients you obtain from harvesting by two times!

This is huge, especially towards the initial phases of the game, when collecting large amount of resources can be difficult and time-consuming.

To get to Bountiful Grasp, you do have to spend two more Blessing Points to unlock the two Blessings available before it in its tree, but these are well worth it, especially if you’re doing this on your own!

I wouldn’t suggest going further for this particular tree, though!

Iðunn’s Seedling

Tribes of Midgard Idunn's Seedling

Unlike the previous blessing, Iðunn’s Seedling can be extremely useful for both single-player and multiplayer.

It’ll be your optimal source of healing from the start and will play a key part in getting your health back more than any other healing items in the game.

Tribes of Midgard Idunn's Seedling 2

When you’re attacking enemies using various combos, there’s a 10% probability that a healing Seedling will spawn under you and increase your health.

Moreover, you’ll gain greater health as you rise up in levels, so this blessing will always bring you an advantage!

Rune Carver

Runes can greatly boost certain stats and increase the effectiveness of some attacks. Having an extra Rune slot will definitely help you down the line and that’s where the Rune Carver blessing comes in!

Tribes of Midgard Rune Carver

You already start off with 5 Rune Slots; so, the Rune Carver blessing will add a 6th slot to store one more Rune in your inventory. An additional boost in ability can help a long way in boss fights down the line.

Rune Carver is the second blessing in its tree, so you’ll need to spend 1 Blessing Point and unlock the “Rationing” blessing first.

Thrúðr’s Wrath

Tribes of Midgard Thudr's Wrath

As you can probably tell from the name, this ability belongs to the Berserker class, and oh how powerful it is! The Thrúðr’s Wrath blessing comes with the Wrath from this class.

As you attack and inflict damage on the enemies, the attacking speed increases with the rise in Wrath level.

Again, with more attacks, the Wrath meter fills up further notches, which in turn grants greater attacking speed to your character.

Tribes of Midgard Wrath Meter

As you know, speedy attacks are highly efficient in this game to get multiple kills quickly and the Thrúðr’s Wrath is the perfect blessing for it!

If you wish, you can go up-to Wrath Soothed in the same tree if you have some extra Blessing points that you want to spend on improving both your attacking and defensive attributes!

Shield Throw I

Tribes of Midgard Shield Throw I

The Shield Throw I blessing can be an efficient way to clear out multiple enemies at the same time.

This blessing allows you to launch your shield toward the enemies to get away from them easily and stun them in the process.

Too many enemies close to you will decrease your health faster, so throwing your shield to create space and time for attacks is definitely a good choice.

You’ll be required to unlock the Syn’ Shield Wall first, in order to unlock Shield Throw I.

Hasty Impulse

Tribes of Midgard Hasty Impulse

There are two Hasty Impulse blessings, Hasty Impulse I and II. Both of these are super helpful and they belong to the ending stages of the Iðunn’s Seedling blessing tree.

There’s up to 20% increase in your attacking speed once you unlock both blessings, and combined with the Thrúðr’s Wrath, you’ll be invincible!

These insane attacking speeds will help you take down enemies in the blink of an eye while also increasing the chances of spawning a healing seedling, thanks to the Iðunn’s Seedling blessing.

The entire tree of Iðunn’s Seedling blessing is one you should keep your eye on and complete as quickly as possible, as all of the blessings are simply overpowered!

Raven’s Eye

You may be okay with the current view that you have of your surroundings in the game, but Raven’s Eye will give you an entirely different perspective!

Tribes of Midgard raven's eye

This blessing will enable you to zoom out of the screen and thus increase your vision of the surroundings. While this doesn’t seem so impressive while reading, once you implement it in the game, you’ll see the beauty of it!

You have a wider view of the enemies around you and their route of attacks. The wider view will definitely help you strategize your attacks better as well, and make better shots if you’re using a Bow and Arrow!

You do need to unlock two other blessings before being able to get to Raven’s Eye, though.

Ironclad II

The Ironclad II blessing, and the string of blessings before it, are more focused on ensuring proper health levels during fights.

I’d suggest getting these blessings in higher levels, as Iðunn’s Seedling is capable of providing enough cover in the initial stages.

The Ironclad II boosts your HP up by 40%! That’s not a small increment and can be hugely beneficial while fighting monsters at higher levels.

You’ll need to spend three Blessing points at the start of the tree to be able to obtain Ironclad II.

However, you can see it as a profitable investment since the features of those blessings are top notch too! You get a 20% rise in HP as well as a gain in Mana with every hit you take!

Tyr’s Double Hit

Tribes of Midgard tyr's double hit

The last blessing I’ll be talking about is the ability of the Warrior class, Tyr’s Double Hit.

When you initiate combo attacks twice, further combos will automatically be implemented and deal greater damage on the enemies.

While this is a great offensive stat on its own, it works even better with the other blessings. Your attacks are more frequent, which in turn, boosts attacking speed and healing.

You can definitely pursue the blessings further along this tree if you have the Blessing points since it’s only going to boost your offense even more.

Wrapping Up

The blessings mentioned above are the best ones of the 90 that are available in Tribes of Midgard and will boost your performances immensely in the game, whether you’re going single-player or multiplayer.

You should keep these up top in your priority order, so that you can ace the more difficult battles that you’ll come across in the higher levels. GLHF!

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