Town of Salem 2: Admirer Role Guide (How to Play)

The Admirer is a non-unique role in Town of Salem 2. He is one of the Townies and is characterized by the Town Support Alignment.

In this guide, I will showcase how the Admirer role and how his ability work in Town of Salem 2.

The Admirer has the power to select a player during the day to attempt to propose to them, and the target will be able to accept or decline the proposal the following night, twice per game.

If you are interested in other roles, check out our Deputy role guide in Town of Salem 2, and how he works.

Town of Salem 2: Admirer Ability Explained


The Admirer’s role is to unmask other players. They are very good to confirm Investigators or accusers to solve a 1v1 situation.

Here is how the Admirer works:

Twice per game, the Admirer can select a player during the day to attempt to propose to them, and the target will be able to accept or decline the proposal the following night. You cannot propose to a player on day one.

If accepted:

  • You may not propose again.

If the acceptor is a Town member:

  • You will both become Lifelinked (If one of you dies, the other will also die).
  • Twice a game you may care for your lover. This gives them Powerful Defense for the night as well as cleaning Douses, Poisons, Silences, and Dreamweavers.

If the acceptor is not a Town member:

  • You will enter a Toxic Relationship. In a toxic relationship, you cannot talk or vote the following day. There is no lifelink in a toxic relationship.

If declined:

  • Nothing happens.

Note: The Admirer’s proposal is an Astral ability, meaning they don’t actually visit their target.

Strong roles that can already prove themselves and are major threats to Coven don’t need to accept your offer, for them it’s enough you have just proven yourself.

For them, it’s too dangerous to accept because they don’t want to be bound to you. You can also straight up ask in chat if they would accept it (you don’t even need to be an actual Admirer for that though, but that’s our little secret).

Investigators are difficult to get them confirmed, especially if they pushing for someone, at that point, it might be worth it to link with someone to give your push that much more weight.

Town of Salem 2: Best Admirer Strategy Explained


The best strategy of an Admirer will be often used as a piece of information.

On the first day, keep an eye out for players that feel sketchy. Then use the power of your proposal to either out an enemy of the town or protect someone from negative effects.

Stay low for 2 days until your Care ability is exhausted. Keep updating your Will as you are a sacrificial lamb for the Town Faction. Also, if you are linked to another player, your death will mean their death as well.

This can either be used for you or unfortunately sometimes against you. This will allow your Town member to strategize a plan to expose the other Factions.

Final Thoughts

The Admirer has its highs, and lows and has a divisive place in the community. Some players think it is unneeded while others say it adds to the fun.

If you are the Admirer, don’t worry about it. Have fun, and use your abilities for the best possible outcome. You may end up on either side of the argument, but as is with any social deduction game, have fun in the process.

If you’re interested in a more general look at these roles, check out our guide on the full list of roles in Town of Salem 2, and how they work.

Now that you know how to play the Admirer, in Town of Salem 2 have fun with it. Try different things, and play with friends for the laughs, and tense situations. Also, let us all know in the comments down below if there is a role you enjoy playing as, and if there is one you want to try out.


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