Stalcraft: Best Armor in the Game

Armor is an essential piece of equipment in Stalcraft as it offers better survivability against players, AI enemies, and the elements of the world such as radiation, fire, and electricity.

With four types of armor being available in the game, and with different suits within each type and tier, it can be tricky to choose which one to craft.

Before selecting your favorite armor, make sure you’ve started the game on the right foot by choosing the best faction available. One of them has a slight advantage!

In this guide, I will explain how armor types work in Stalcraft and list the best armor available in the game.

Armor Types in Stalcraft

Armor suit in Stalcraft.
Armor suit in Stalcraft.

There are four types of armor in Stalcraft and each offers different buffs.

  • Combat – Provides bonus resistances against bullets and melee damage
  • Explorer – Ok resistances all-around with a focus on increasing carry weight without reducing stamina and movement speed.
  • Combo – Combines combat, explorer, and scientist defenses by having a bit of everything
  • Scientist – Focuses on resistance to fire, electricity, chemicals, radiation, heat, psy-emission, and bioinfection.

Explorer, combo, and scientist armor types are situational and are only needed for completing specific quests/visiting certain areas. In the majority of cases, the best armor overall is found in the combat category.

Houndmaster Protective Suit/Scout Suit

Sitting in an armor suit in Stalcraft.
Sitting in an armor suit in Stalcraft.

These are the two core early-game armors. They can be crafted from Stinky Roots and Seeds and offer solid defensive stats.

Specifically, the Scout Suit offers increased bullet resistance (45), and explosion protection (62) while allowing you to be more mobile. On the other hand, the Houndmaster Protective Suit offers better Melee (84) and Radiation protection (75).

In short, the Scout Suit is better for PvP, while the Houndmaster Protective Suit is ideal for PvE missions such as clearing dens and hideouts.

Hoplite Armored Suit/Fleece Protective Suit

Dead player in Stalcraft.
Dead player in Stalcraft.

During the mid-game, these two suits serve similar purposes as the previous ones. The Hoplite Armored Suit is ideal for PvP scenarios with higher bullet resistance (106) and explosion protection (147) but decreases stamina by 8% and movement speed by 1%.

The Fleece Protective Suit offers significant melee protection (204) and bleeding protection (72%) while allowing you to carry more stuff and having no movement speed and stamina debuffs.

Legionnaire Heavy Armored Suit/Osh Protective Suit

The squad is armed and ready to fight in Stalcraft.
The squad is armed and ready to fight in Stalcraft.

The Legionnaire Heavy Armored Suit is your jack-of-all-trades late-game armor. With high bullet resistance (136) and melee protection (136), and solid defensive stats overall, its only setback is that it reduces stamina by 10% and movement speed by 3%.

The Osh Protective Suit instead focuses on melee damage and bleeding protection, with every other stat being lower or equal to the Legionnaire Heavy Armored Suit. As for debuffs, it reduces stamina by 10% and movement speed by 1%.

The first armor turns you into a PvP tank, able to survive almost everything, while the second is ideal for taking down even the hardest PvE content.

Wrapping up

To sum up, that’s everything you need to know regarding the best armor in Stalcraft. The best type of armor is combat armor. Then, choose between the available options based on the state of the game and your current task.

There are early, mid, and late-game options, as well as PvP and PvE armor.

Also, while choosing armor, it’s equally important to come prepared with the best weapons in the game. There are options for everyone based on your playstyle, ranging from snipers and DMRs to assault rifles and SMGs.

Which type of armor are you using the most? Which armor suits would you add to this list? Let us know in the comments below.


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