Remnant 2 Halloween Weapons Tier List & Event Guide

If you’re interested in a Remnant 2 Halloween Event guide and corrupted weapons tier list, you’ve come to the right place.

The new event is known as the Aberration Domination Event and lasts from October 27 until October 31. However, even after the event ends, you can still get all the item rewards; however, they will have a lower spawn rate.

In this Remannt 2 Aberration Domination event guide, I will showcase everything new in the event including the best ways to farm the new Corrupted Shards and a tier list of the new Corrupted Weapons to help you decide which one to craft first.

Remnant 2 Aberration Domination Halloween Event Guide

Remnant 2 Halloween Aberration Domination event guide.

The event starts at Ward 13, by visiting Dwell, the Fragment Merchant. He will have five new Corrupted Weapons available to craft at the cost of 10 corrupted shards, the new event currency.

The best way to farm Corrupted Shards in Remnant 2 is to select Nightmare difficulty (or Apocalypse if you can) and select Adventure Mode on any map you want.

If you’re trying your luck on Apocalypse, check out our best Apocalypse build guide in Remnant 2.

Run through the map while killing any enemy you can find. Aberrations will spawn randomly but they have a very high spawn rate during the event and in higher difficulties.

Killing these enemies will grant you Corrupted Shards which are needed to craft the Corrupted Weapons. Additionally, there is a wide variety of new mutators that can drop from these enemies.

Keep in mind that there’s a wide variety of Aberration enemies and they are like upgraded forms of normal foes.

Corrupted Weapons Tier List

Remnant 2 Halloween Aberration Domination event guide.

There are five Corrupted Weapons introduced in the Remnant 2 Halloween Event. Here is a Corrupted Weapons tier list to help you decide on which one to craft first.

  • S-Tier: Corrupted Aphelion, Corrupted Meridian
  • A-Tier: Corrupted Deceit, Corrupted Merciless
  • B-Tier: Corrupted Rune Pistol

While all weapons can stand out in the right builds, the best Corrupted weapons are the Aphelion and the Meridian. The Aphelion receives a thinner beam that deals significantly more damage since it’s three beams instead of one.

As for the Meridian, it upgraded into a rocket launcher that can deal amazing AoE damage by firing bursts of three rockets each time.

If you don’t have the original versions of these weapons, check out our guide on the best weapons in Remnant 2 and how to get them, which includes both the Aphelion and the Meridian.

Can You Get the Normal Weapons Again?

Remnant 2 Halloween Aberration Domination event guide.

To craft the Corrupted Versions of these weapons, you will need to use 10 Corrupted Shards and the original version of them.

Thankfully, after you do that, you can get the original weapons again by re-farming them. Simply repeat the process that you went through to get them on the first time and you’ll have both the original and the corrupted variant.

Wrapping up

To summarize this Remnant 2 Halloween Event guide, the Aberration Domination event includes a wide variety of new corrupted enemies that have a high spawn chance on higher difficulties and drop Corrupted Shards, which are used to craft the new Corrupted Weapons at Dwell, the Relic Fragment Merchant in Ward 13.

Based on our Corrupted Weapons tier list, I recommend crafting the Aphelion or the Meridian first, based on whether you prefer single-target or AoE damage builds.

What do you think about the new weapons and modifiers? Have you managed to get all of them? Feel free to share your favorite new builds in the comments below.

If you’re looking for the final details on your build, check out our list of all relic locations in Remnant 2 to find the ones that fit your loadout.


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