Ranch Simulator: Best Place to Hunt

Hunting is an essential part of the game, and in this guide, I will go over the best places to hunt in Ranch Simulator.

As of version 1.0, there are three kinds of wild animals players can hunt in the game.

  • Deer
  • Wolves
  • Bear

Each animal has a different pattern, and drop meat that you can sell. You don’t usually have to search for deer because they are everywhere, and allow for a quick cashflow in the early game.

If you want to know how to find different resources, check out our guide on how to find oil in Ranch Simulator.

Ranch Simulator: Hunting Wild Animals


Wild animals have different spawn locations, and there are different ways to deal with them.

Also, there are some things to keep in mind before going hunting.

  1. Always hunt during the day. All sorts of scary things come out at night, so daylight is your friend.
  2. Wild animals drop meat once you shoot them. Make sure to always have enough room to carry them back home.
  3. Always have a plan. Before going out know what you want to do with the meat you will gather. Choose to process them, cook them, or even sell them.
  • Deer

Deers are the easiest to find in the world of Ranch Simulator and shoot them. Deer can be found jumping around everywhere around the map, and once you defeat them, they drop three meat.

  • Wolves

Wolves are considered the rarest of all the wild animals. Even while on early access, many players were having trouble finding them, while some say that you can find them on the mountain behind your ranch.

Thankfully, they are pretty easy to deal with because once they lock eyes with you, they will run toward you in a straight line. if you can find some high ground, or jump on something, you can shoot them easier.

  • Bears

Bears are usually found south of the lake to the north of the map, but some players have mentioned that they have randomly seen bears closer to the center of the map.

Bears can be really really strong to take down, so having a plan before attacking them is essential. Once you shoot down these beasts you will get a lot of meat as your reward.

Final Thoughts

Hunting as of version 1.0 feels a little unrefined, but that’s to be expected seeing how the game only recently left early access.

When you have goals to buy things and get something done money can be an issue, so check out our guide on the best way to make money and the best crops in Ranch Simulator.

With the best places to hunt laid out for Ranch Simulator, you will be able to experience this part of the game to the full extent of what it has to offer. Let us know in the comments how you think hunting can be improved.


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