HumanitZ: How to Find and Repair the Radio Tower

Are you trying to find and repair the Radio Tower in HumanitZ after reading the former survivor letter in your inventory? Here’s everything you need to know about it.

You can find the radio tower by checking your map and looking for a green-marked circle. Then, you can repair it by bringing a Car Battery, Electronics, Electrical Cables, and a Radio Receiver to the tower.

In this guide, I will explain how to find and repair the Radio Tower in HumanitZ to help you progress with the main quest in the game.

If you’re just starting in the game, don’t forget to check out our guide on how to make a fire in HumanitZ as it’s essential for surviving the first nights.

How to Find the Radio Tower

How to find and repair the radio tower in HumanitZ.

From the second you start the game, you’ll have the Former Survivor Letter in your inventory.

To find the Radio Tower, open the map after reading the letter and you’ll see a green circle marked somewhere in the unexplored territory.

All you need to know is to get there. However, it will be far away and I don’t recommend walking. Instead, check out our guide on how to find and repair cars in HumanitZ to ensure you have a transportation vehicle.

Before rushing to the Radio Tower, make sure to read below everything you need to know to repair it. Without having the necessary materials on you, there’s no reason to travel there yet.

How to Repair the Radio Tower

How to find and repair the radio tower in HumanitZ.

To repair the Radio Tower in HumanitZ, travel to the marked location on the map and interact with the electronics panel right in front of the tower. To repair it, you must have the following items:

  • Car Battery
  • Electronics
  • Electrical Cable
  • Radio Receiver

To find a Car Battery, Electronics, and Electrical Cables, simply loot around any building and outpost. Specifically for Car Batteries, you can also search cars around the road.

There’s a small town just east of the Radio Tower so you can loot there for all the items.

How to Find a Radio Receiver

How to find and repair the radio tower in HumanitZ.

The hardest item to find to repair the Radio Tower is the Radio Receiver. To find a Radio Receiver in HumanitZ, explore the city just on the right of the Radio Tower until you find a Music Store.

Once inside, head to the back room and you’ll be able to find a Radio Receiver on the shelves.

What Does the Radio Tower Do?

Once you repair the tower with the necessary items and click ‘Activate’, nothing will happen immediately. After a few in-game hours or during the next day, you will hear a helicopter sound.

Wait until the sound completely stops and open your map again. Now, you’ll see a red circle which is an airdrop. Take your vehicle and head there for some free loot.

Wrapping up

To summarize, you can find the radio tower in HumanitZ by checking your map for the green circle.

Then, you can repair it by bringing the four necessary repair items and interacting with the electrical panel in front of the tower.

Did you manage to find all the repair items easily? What kind of loot did you get from the airdrop? Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments below.

Now that you’re starting to get better loot overall, don’t forget to also check out our guide on how to repair melee weapons and guns in HumanitZ.


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