How to Upgrade Weapons in Welcome to ParadiZe

Are you trying to upgrade weapons in Welcome to ParadiZe but can’t figure out how? Here’s what you need to know.

In short, the only way to upgrade your weapons is by accessing the workbench and crafting higher-tier versions from scratch while using lower-tier versions as crafting materials.

Let’s go through the process in further detail.

How to Get Better Weapons & Upgrades in Welcome to ParadiZe

How to upgrade weapons in Welcome to ParadiZe.

As you progress through the game, you’ll unlock better blueprints. The only way to upgrade your current weapons is by using them as upgrade materials for crafting other, higher-tier weapons.

Thus, you don’t actually upgrade a weapon, but you use it to craft a higher-tier version of that weapon. Of course, crafting the higher-tier version will consume the previous one, so it’s worth saving all your weapons until you need to upgrade them.

Similarly, there’s no upgrade button or anything; just access the workbench and craft the better weapon once you have it unlocked.

Before moving on, if you want to optimize your setup to deal with some of the most challenging hordes in the game, check out our guide on the best base location in Welcome to ParadiZe.

How to Unlock More Weapons & Upgrade Weapon Shop

How to upgrade weapons in Welcome to ParadiZe.

The best way to unlock new weapon blueprints is by progressing through the main story. Complete Lady Tamer’s quests as they show up, and you’ll notice most rewards are weapon shop items.

As for recommended weapons, the best options are the chainsaw and the flamethrower. Especially when paired with the Deflagator and the Mine Dropper, your Zombots will be simply overpowered.

If you haven’t unlocked them yet, check out our guide on how to unlock more Zombots in Welcome to ParadiZe.

Wrapping up

To summarize, the only way to upgrade weapons in Welcome to ParadiZe is by using your current weapons as upgrade materials to craft higher-tier weapons at the workbench.

While you are actually crafting a completely new weapon, it counts as an upgrade since it uses the previous weapon as an upgrade material.

What’s your favorite weapon overall? What do you think about the upgrade system in the game? Let us know by sharing your thoughts in the comments below.

Before leaving, if you’re interested in a more relaxing life-sim game, check out our list of the best tips and tricks in Supermarket Simulator. Alternatively, for a survival game suggestion, check out our beginners’ guide in Pacific Drive.


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