How to Unlock Hidden Objects in The Sims 4 [Debug Cheat Guide]

Some items in the game are hidden in the Debug mode, and in this guide, I will go over how to unlock them in the Sims 4.

Once you open the cheat menu enable two cheats. First type “testingcheats true“, and then “bb.showhiddenobjects“. These two will allow you to see everything hidden by the debug mode.

Let’s go over the details a little more.

Enabling Cheats in the Sims 4


Once you are in the game, you will want to open the cheat menu. The ways are different whether you are on a PC or console so I will go over both.

If you are a PC player, you need to press the following keys together: Ctrl, Shift, and C.

Once you do that, the cheat menu will open on the top left. After that, you will need to enter the following phrase to enable cheats.

  • testingcheats true

The game will inform you that cheats are enabled, and then you are ready to use any of the ones you want.

If you are a console player, you will need to press the following buttons together on your controllers:

  • PlayStation controller: L1, L2, R1, and R2
  • Xbox controller: LB, LT, RB, RT

Once you do that, the cheat menu will open on the top left. After that, you will need to enter the following phrase to enable cheats.

  • testingcheats true

The game will inform you that cheats are enabled and that further achievements will not be able to be achieved due to the activation of these cheats.

If you want to know more about things you can do in the game, check out our guide on how to age down your Sim and make them younger in the Sims 4.

Finding the Hidden Objects in the Sims 4


With cheats enabled, you need to know how to find the hidden objects in the Debug Menu.

For both PC and consoles, the process is the same. With the cheat menu opened you will want to put the following commands.

  • bb.showhiddenobjects
  • bb.showliveeditobjects

Once you enter either of these codes in the cheat menu, you will find the items by searching DEBUG in the Buy/Build tab.

Your Sims will not be able to interact with the see objects, but that doesn’t mean you can’t use them to make your homes feel all the more personal to how you envisioned them when you first built them.

If you want to find out more about the game, check out our guide on how to get TONS of followers in the game for the Sims 4.

Final Thoughts

The Sims games always find a way to keep cheats in the games and allow players the freedom to use things they wouldn’t otherwise be able to use. There are also many useful cheats, from infinite Simoleons to free placement for players.

If you want to know more about the occult in the game, check out our guide on who is Greg, where to find him, and more in the Sims 4 Werewolves.

With how to unlock hidden objects with the Debug Menu in the Sims 4 laid out, you will be able to use any items you want to spruce up your builds. Let us know in the comments what is your favorite things to build in the game.


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